How To Disable Automatic iOS Software Updates on iPhone, iPad

Here you can see how to stop an iPhone from asking to software update iOS. The automatic iOS update feature was first introduced in iOS 7. As soon as a new iOS version is released (for example iOS 13.6), your iPhone or iPad downloads and installs it without requesting the user's permission.

On the one hand, automatic updates are very convenient, since you do not need to constantly perform the same procedure. On the other hand, if you don't have enough space on your iPhone or you don't want to download it without your knowledge, you can disable this feature. Yes, Yes. You can do this. We've been waiting for this for 10 years. Apple has heard us, the owners of iPhones, by releasing this feature in the new iOS 13.6.

On the other hand, some iPhone and iPad owners may not like the lack of a sense of control over what is downloaded to the device. If desired, the user can disable automatic updates. It is quite simple to do this.

How to stop an iPhone from asking to update iOS:

1. Tap "Setting"
2. Tap "Software Update"
3. Tap "Customize Automatic Updates"
4. In the section headed "Download iOS Updates", set the slider next to Updates to Off (white).

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