iPhone 12 Release Date, Display, Camera, Design, Features, Specs

Here you can read more about iPhone 12 Release Date, Display, Camera, Design, Features, Specs. Apple will not release smartphones with the names iPhone 11s and iPhone 11s Pro. This year, the company will immediately introduce the iPhone 12.

iPhone 12 Display:

In 2020 Apple will release four models in the main series: iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Plus, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max. The most compact smartphone will be the iPhone 12, which will be equipped with a screen of 5.4 inches. The brand new iPhone 12 Plus is 6.1 inches. the iPhone 12 Pro will get an increased display to 6.1 inches, and the Pro Max version will grow to 6.7 inches. Notably, all iPhones will now be equipped with OLED arrays.

iPhone 12 Design:

It's too early to talk about the design of the iPhone 12, but there are several trends. First, Apple is unlikely to refuse a massive platform of cameras on the back cover. Despite the controversial nature of this decision, it had to appeal to many smartphone users. Secondly, Apple will finally decide to somehow reduce the screen cutout, which looks like an anachronism against the backdrop of numerous competitors.

iPhone 12 Processor specs: 

The basis of all iPhone 12 should be an unannounced A14 bionic chipset. TSMC will start delivering chips in the second half of 2020. This processor will use a 5-nm process, which will at least reduce power consumption. There is no doubt that the performance of the new processor and GPU will increase. However, a more compact process can lead to an increase in cost.

iPhone 12 Storage Size:

There will be more memory, both RAM and permanent, in the new iPhones. So, iphone12 will have 4 GB of RAM, and the Pro versions will get 6 GB. In the new generation of iPhones, the minimum storage capacity will be 128 GB, and the iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max will get versions with 1 TB of permanent memory.

iPhone 12 will be support for 5G:

Perhaps the main innovation in terms of communications for the iPhone will be support for 5G. The entire line will work in mobile networks of the fifth generation. By default, 5G will be enabled in devices for the us, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and the UK markets. In other countries, the company will disable support for working in this range at the software level.

No Lightning in iPhone 12. Only USB-C.

The European Commission may have an unexpected impact on Apple. The fact is that the EU insists on standardizing chargers based on the most obvious USB-C specification.and if European lawmakers achieve such a decision, then all smartphone manufacturers, including Apple, will have to switch to a new connector.

Otherwise, such devices will not be allowed to be sold in Europe. Interestingly, back in 2019, there were rumors that Apple was thinking of abandoning proprietary Lightning in favor of USB-C, as it was done in the iPad Pro. Perhaps, by analogy with tablets, type-C will get older iPhones.

iPhone 12 Release Date:

The most high-profile premieres should be expected in September, when Apple shows its new smartphones. In 2020, the iPhone will finally get support for fifth-generation networks.  

When is iPhone 12 available? We expect new iPhone 12 to be released to the public around 23 September 2020. 

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