IOS 13.4 has a bug that does not allow VPN apps to encrypt traffic

An unpleasant vulnerability has been discovered in the Apple iOS operating system versions 13.4 used in the iPhone and iPad, which prevents traffic encryption when using VPN solutions. Some connections bypass the VPN and can output user data, including IP addresses.

The main problem with this bug is that the user's IP address and the IP address of the server they are connecting to will remain open, and the server will “see” the user's real IP address instead of the VPN server's IP address.

As security consultants who work with ProtonVPN have established, all connections established after activating the VPN on an iOS device pass through a secure tunnel. However, connections that were previously established remain unprotected

The essence of the error is that when using a VPN, the iOS operating system must close all existing Internet connections and restore them through an existing VPN tunnel to protect the user's privacy and data. In other words, encrypt.

To solve this problem, I strongly recommend following this simple advice described in this post.

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