How to download files on iPhone on iOS 13 via Safari download Manager

Safari's download Manager allows you to download files from the Internet without any size restrictions. Apple's download Manager has long been considered a feature available only to Mac computers. Expected was the appearance of the download Manager on iPadOS, but a pleasant surprise for iPhone users was its presence in iOS 13. Here you can read how to download files on iPhone on iOS 13 via Safari download Manager

How iOS 13 Download Manager works on iPhone and iPad:

Step 1: To activate the download Manager, go to any page with a link to download a file. Click on it.

Step 2: After clicking on this link, a pop-up window will appear on the screen asking you to download. Confirm your intention.

Step 3: In the upper right corner you will see the Manager icon appear, and a small window will show the progress of the download. Clicking on it will display all active downloads, the size of the downloaded file and the status of the process. There, you can use the buttons to stop or resume the download.

Step 4: To delete the downloaded file, swipe from right to left in the Manager and confirm this action.

Step 5: After the process is finished, click on the downloaded file, which will open it in the "Files" program. It allows you to perform the usual number of operations: share a file, delete it, copy it, or open it to view the contents.

Interestingly, by default, the download Manager saves everything downloaded to the icloud Drive cloud. But it is quite possible to reassign the content storage location to the local one. In Safari preferences, under Downloads, select On iPhone.

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