IOS 9 Download Links (incl. iOS 9.1, 9.0.2) For All Confirmed Devices.

iOS 9 download links spreads on the web. If you want download IOS 9 for your iPhone or iPad, you MUST find official iOS 9 direct or torrent links. Apples iOS 9 will new excellent technology, features, usability. Today is the best best time for iOS 9 download for free.

iOS 9 - What is new? iOS 9 Features, Usability, Colors or all in one? Technology evolves and the company should not stand still. You can download iOS 9 and install it for free today. It's very good news for all, who wait new iOS from Apple for yours iPhone or iPad. We believe that new iOS 9 is best OS for all smartphones which confirmed iOS 9 (confirmed list above)
must read here:  iOS 9 Supported devices.

Do You Want make iOS 9 Jailbreak?

What do you want to see in iOS 9?

How to install iOS 9 for free :
Step 1: Connect your iOS 9 confirmed idevice with iTunes via USB.
Step 2: Restore your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to last official iOS 8.X via iTunes, then setup it as a new iPhone.
Step 3: Download last iOS 9.x for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch:

iOS 9.3.3 download IPSW links:

Step 4: Now your are requested to hold SHIFT and left click on “Check for Updates” on iTunes, then select new iOS 9 which you downloaded on Step 3/

Step 5: Wait for few minutes and enjoy iOS 9.

ALL iOS 9 Download links Confirmed!!!


  1. Sorry. Comments have been lost.

    1. How do i get the torrent file into a usable IPSW file?

  2. Replies
    1. Yes. All iOS 9 download links confirmed.

    2. why some tweaks not work on iPad Mini 4

  3. Just a question. If I turn off/reboot my phone, will I get the error saying that I'm not eligible to be using iOS beta software, like last year? Or will my phone be fine if I turn it off.

    1. even i agree please anyone reply bout this

    2. You will not have the same problems this time. Apple is signing iOS 9 pre-release software now. It will be the same as any other iOS update, although it is still a little buggy in my opinion simply it is still in development stage.

  4. Is it necessary to download Beta version from these links only?
    Can I install iOS 9 beta version downloaded from another website/torrent without UDID registration?

    1. Yes. You can install iOS 9 beta without UDID registration.

  5. Cant find working file for iPad 2 (A1430).

  6. what happens to all apps and contacts

  7. When i try to open the torrent file it says no application is able to open it what should i do?

  8. Hey I updated but I missing features like proactive siri and the news app anything could help as i can not downgrade

  9. hi i want to test ios 9 on my iphone 5s without UDID ... after this upgrade can i return back to official 8.3?

  10. I keep getting the iPhone not compactable error for my iPhone 6+ how do I fix this? I downloaded the 6+ file from the links you provided on utorrernt

  11. it's official ipsw from Apple's servers.

    Did you follow steps "How to install iOS 9 for free :"?

    1. any solutions? and do u have any links/instructions for the watch os 2 beta

    2. Official watchOS beta 2. We uploaded here:

  12. After installing iOS 9, can I erase and install, then restore from my iCloud backup? I basically want it to be on iOS 9, but with my latest iCloud backup on my iPad.

  13. After upgrading to iOS 9, can I erase and install and then restore from iCloud? Basically I want to restore from my latest iCloud backup, while remaining on iOS 9.

    1. You can.

      P.S. We always record backup via last official version (iOS 8.3) on iTunes and after install new beta (example iOS 9 beta 1) we make other backup on iOS 9. Don't erase your old backup, sometimes you can't restore iCloud information after downgrade from beta to last final version.

  14. after installing ios 9 beta do i again install ios 9 role out for people by apple

  15. in my iphone 4s work slow, why?

  16. I tried ios 9 with my old iphone 4S, the grayed wifi issue is still not fixed.

    1. Me too! :( Guess time to buy new phone right? Its useless now.

    2. grey wifi wont turn on simple sollution remove back case get hair drier heat the top shield area till phone says let it cool down then you should have wifi

  17. do you have a file for 8.4 beta 3

  18. Please tell steps to downgrade iOS 9 to iOS 8.3 or 8.4 beta
    Also give download link to download iOS 8.3/8.4 firmware for iPhone 5 [A1429]

    1. link to download iOS 8.3/8.4 firmware:

      Steps like iOS 9 install.

  19. I can restore backup of iOS 8.3 in iOS 9 Beta?

  20. too many bugs !
    -Can`t install new apps directly for app store(have to use iTunes)
    -Lost stability of apps like sygic,dubsmash etc
    -Apps gets stuck sometimes
    -Dial Assist not Working
    -iCloud Problems etc

  21. Would i recive the OTA when ios9 would be publicly released in falls??

    1. If your device is supported (If your device can run iOS 8 then you're good) then yes.

  22. All these links just link back to this post here...

    1. All iOS 9 download links work perfect.

    2. May I ask you a question? If you installed iOS9 beta, could you please check whether bluetooth mouse works on iOS9?

  23. I have an iPhone model A1428, what one would I use for iOs 9?

  24. I wonder wether my bluetooth mouse(magic mouse) works on iOS9. Anybody knows?

  25. First of all I want to say I installed ios9 and all very well to start. Past few days things complicated, began to be very slow, the touch did not work well and keep saying that there was a ios9 update that does not actually appear. I started to get scared, but I did not care until it came an even bigger problem. The mobile phone has locked saying the ios beta had expired.
    It also said it had to activate it. I tried to do it but without success, getting a few days without mobile phone.I did not have the pc with me because I was on vacation, so I could not downgrade to the ios 8.4.1. I had to wait a few days until I can do and once I had tried all possible ways back to my old ios but without any success.
    When I finally got back to the old ios I vowed never to return to install an upgrade version that was not in Apple updates.
    I want to try to figure out if I was the only person having this problem or if at some point I did something wrong.
    But here is the warning do not install anything that does not come from Apple itself, because it can happen the same that happened to me.
    I was like all you want ios 9 ahead of time and now I realize that it is better to wait.
    A municipality forget all sites that provide something before telling the official website which is available, because so will bring problems and it doesn't want to.
    I made the mistake once and almost saw my phone unusable.
    Protect your devices and download only original products.

  26. Does Apple signing all iOS 9 beta verrsions?????

  27. Thanks for the IPSW, now the DL speed isn't incredibly slow.

  28. hi! can i downgrade from ios 9 to ios8.4.1

  29. iPad 4 Wifi + Cellular.. (A1460) No link, please help

  30. is there a bypass for ios 9.0.2 reply on this email plz

  31. I bought iphone 5c and lately found it was lock by a certain carrier to activate.. What should i do? Is there a software to unlock? I dont know the carrier because i buy it in online store.

  32. i want ios 9.0.2 for iphone 5s utorrent link plz helpppp

  33. is there a torrent dl cause i ve a limited connection via my net provider and i ll have to dl on several days( im in haiti)
    thx for support.Nico

  34. any solution for this ? Error 3194

  35. is it carrier free?? i mean factory unlocked

  36. I always have error 3014. What can I do?

  37. maybe you have iPad Air2 WiFi + Cellular, IOS 9.1 Download Links ?

  38. is there a jailbreak yet that WORKS for either/or 9.1/9.2??

  39. can't working for my iphone 4s, may you help me?

  40. hey guys, i need your help ?.. i just restored my iphone, i dont know to bypass the activation screen in ios 9.2 and i forgot and dont know the details of icloud.. i've been seeking for help on how to do this.. i found a site that has unlock a while ago, is anyone familiar with this? can anyone help me? pleeeeeeaase..

  41. hi i am using iPhone 6 plus running iOS 9, this process is not working on my iPhone. any new method to download torrents on ipad without jailbreak?

  42. how to do it i download that file ipad mini wifi
