Jailbreak iOS 9.1, 9.3, 9.3.2 + Cydia Installer available for all iOS 9 supported devices like iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 ... iPhone 5. If you one of iOS 9.1 owners who want install Cydia iOS 9 tweaks on idevices - you musr know that jb team confirmed information about jb.
Don't foget, if you want install Jailbreak iOS 9.1, you must make such simple steps:
1) BackUp all iPhone or iPad data via iCloud.
2) BackUp confidential information via iTunes.
3) Restore your iPhone or iPad.
4) Install latest iOS 9.1 IPSW for your device.
5) Find your Jailbreak iOS 9.1 supported ipsw download links
6) if you iOS version is jailbroken, you can download + install such links.
7) Don't foget - all jb download links are for free.
8) Ok. After that - you can see on your jailbroken device Cydia iOS 9 Store icon.
9) Done. You can install Cydia Tweaks + Addons.
Don't forget install most popular iOS 9.1 Cydia Tweaks.
where i can download that?
ReplyDeleteThe same question: where?
DeleteIt is just guide. Jailbreak for ios 9.1 is not jet possible.
Deletea guide for something that doesn't even exist.... can you even hear your own stupidity?
DeleteAgain the same question.. where?
ReplyDeleteHa Ha ! Very amusing ;-) 9.1 indeed. Jailbreak before it even exists, that's pretty clever :-)
ReplyDeleteDownloaded jailblreack iso 9.0.2
ReplyDeleteios 9.1 jailbreak crash my phone 2 time plz solve this problem
DeleteOur service " IPackager " has used a link to go to this web but now changing to a REAL jailbreak page soon, visit IPackager.blockspot.co.uk and get Cydia installers and more by the Chaza2015Studios, hope you enjoy and thanks for having a check on my comment and I'll reply some help to this web maybe, have a nice day to all
Deleteis it out yet
Deletenope... I think 9.2 will be released first.. and that should happen before the end of the year.
DeletePangu team confimred that thei will be release new Jailbreak after IOS 9.2 release date. It's very nice news.
Deletemy iphone crash ios 9.1 2 time solve this problem thanks
ReplyDeleteios 8.4 jailbreak good working
ReplyDeleteLOL tomorrow :D ? Thanks for nothing
DeleteWhat do you mean by tomorrow?
DeleteWhat do you mean by "tomorrow"?
Deletewhere i can download that?
DeleteBut Where it at doe.
Deletewe are tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteEvad3rs positive? I was an idiot that just updated my iPad 2.1. Please help!!!
ReplyDeleteSo when?
ReplyDeleteWhere is it ? I'm waiting >:( I'm starting to hate apple.
ReplyDeleteIt's a crock of shit. There is no 9.1 JB and these are are not the real developers.
ReplyDeleteCant wait
ReplyDeleteit's about time for JB9.1
ReplyDeleteIts been two days
ReplyDeleteWhere are you supposed to download it from? It has been 2 days.
ReplyDeleteThe jailbreak program still hasn´t been uploaded.....
ReplyDeletewhen ios 9.1 jailbreak will be out?
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for the 9.1 jaibreak tool
ReplyDeleteWe are already the 26th of october and the download link to jailbreak ios 9.1 is not available
ReplyDeleteHello, when is iOS 9 9.1 jailbreak coming out? thanks
ReplyDeleteJailbreak iOS 9.1 via Pangu not yet. We wait download links.
ReplyDeleteСмысл выпускать для ios 9.1 если почти все устройства на ней тормозят? Лучше подождать ios 9.1.1 or 9.2
ReplyDeleteВы не совсем правы , мой iPad 4 на iOS 9.0.2 жутко лагал,а на 9.1 не лагает а почти летает,так что кому как,да и уже нельзя откатиться на 9.0.2!!!
DeleteИ ты не совсем прав. В 9.0.2 по крайней мере не было проблем с работой кнопки "Телефон" и дурацких подвисаний.
DeleteА вообще, хочу обратно на 8 вернуться, жаль что нельзя(
where is the jailbreak?
ReplyDeletewhere is the jailbreak for ios 9.1 ?
ReplyDeleteI want jailbreak for ios 9.1
ReplyDeleteGood morning guys, I have iPhone 5s, doesn't this device support it
ReplyDelete#Jailbreak iOS 9.1
I got bad news :)
ReplyDeleteWhen I've done my Jail-breaking after restoring the device look likes is mode cover.
id doesn't work
blue screen
no charge
but I was downloading the last iOS 9.1 and I had install it
It\s working well.
#ReplyMe thank u guys :)
I have an iphone 5 gevey and I have accidently updated to ios 9.1
ReplyDeleteas ios 9.1 is unjailbreakable
I want to downgrade to ios 9.0.2
please please please tell me the method of how can i downgrade to ios 9.0.2
please provide me any tutorial or steps
JAILBREAK FOR iOS 9.1 IS {*NOT*} READY YET, have some patience you faggots )))
ReplyDeleteJailbreak 9.2 will be first way for jb after jailbreak 8.0.4.
ReplyDeletewhen will jb for ios 9.1 be available?
ReplyDeleteMy iphone 4S IOS 9.1 is Icloud locked. Can I still jail break it and would it help to remove the Icloud lock
There isn't even an exploit for ios 9.1-2 yet, yet some people believe this bs >>
ReplyDeleteThis is so not cool no jailbrake
ReplyDeleteCan i downgrade to 9.1 from 9.2 ? (iphone 6)