Jailbreak 9.3 - 2 Ways to JB for iPhone or iPod Touch.

"Pangu Jailbreak 9.3 team has been released new tool for Jailbreak 9.3 iOS for free. You can install Cydia for iOS 9.3 on idevices.(If you like Jailbreak iOS 9.3 tweaks aka BiteSMS or Protube - this message for you). It's Jailbreak 9.3 iOS version tool liberate yours iPhone 6S and iPhone 6. You can download JB tool with new features and specs only - just one click and save it to your PC or Mac. It's new method for iOS 9.3 iPhone 6S, iPhone 6, iPod Touch 5G, iPad Pro, Air."

E: Every day we get emails from iPhone or iPads owners with one question: It's true?. No. It's scam. Apple has been released new iOS 9.3 for iPhone and others devices. The new iOS 9.3 firmware with new features follows the release of Apple's iOS 9.3 update on March 2016 that was issued to bring minor error and bug fixed to iOS 9.3. Unfortunately iOS 9.3 release is unable to be jailbroken with Pangu Jailbreak Tool. If you have jailbroken iPhone with iOS 9.1 (or 9.1) - don't update to 9.3.

1) If you have iPhone 6S, 6, 5S: you can Jailbreak 9.1 "How to Jailbreak 9.1 using Pangu.
2) If you have iPhone 5S, 5, 4S with iOS 9.1 - wait official Jailbreak iOS 9.3 release date. 

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