Jailbreak iOS 9.2 + Tutorials + Cydia Tweaks

Jailbreak iOS 9.2 has been released? Today you can see strange situation in jailbreak community. We know that all iPhone 6S, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s and all iPad ownlers incl. iPad Pro want install a lots of Cydia Tweaks on their devices.

Why? I like my iPhone with my settings and apps. Everyday I can install new apps, but sometimes I want to install Cydia Tweaks iOS 9 for my specific lifestyle.

It's normal for all who want to have freedom on their devices like Mac, Apple TV and Cars. But Apple don't want open her doors for Jailbreak iOS 9.2 via official ways. For such situation best way is official developers who can make Jailbreak iOS 9.2 for free.

After that we can install iOS 9.2 confirmed Tweaks and we can using our iPhone, iPad or Apple TV with our settings. It's very nice, because it gives freedom for devices which I bought for me.

If you want make Jailbreak iOS 9.2, you can see all download links here.


  1. Replies
    1. Where do i find the actual jailbreak and not a blog talking about jailbreaks

    2. Hey Peter. Where is the link to download the 9.2 jailbreak.

    3. what he means is it works on fooling ppl by saying the words"it works".

  2. You gay faggots, iOS 9.2 has not been publicly been released yet and is still in beta2 so there is not jailbreak from it yet.

    Not only that but your link shows jailbreak for iOS 9.0.2 and below.

    Overall horrible reporting and a shit blog that only idiots would be fooled by.

    1. iOS 9.2 public released. If you are reading our posts you can see all confirmed download links for iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8 and iOS 9 Jailbreak. All who want iOS 9.2 Jailbreak must understand that it's real and when jb team release tools, all download links will here.

    2. Again no it's hasn't been released, at least not the final one. Only betas which jailbreak developers aren't stupid enough to jailbreak.

      "The iOS 9.2 release date is currently unknown" according to 9to5mac, it's forecasted in Q4 2015 but no one except Apple really knows.

      Finally, having a title like "Jailbreak 9.2", is misleading as THERE IS NO TOOL YET. Doing so just gathers views on the blog without providing any valuable content. Thus I go back to my previous statement of "shit blog".

      You may choose to respond to this comment if you wish but I won't respond back and waste more time lecturing as there is not point and it's seems like some people will never learn how to create meaningful content and stick to vomitting a bunch of words and think it's art.

    3. If you are cool man, you can make Jailbreak iOS 9.2 via your tools and release for public. If you can't make jailbreak tools - shut up and wait official jailbreak 9.2 release date.

    4. How is it you have such problems with the gay community? Not ready for your coming out yet?

    5. Osman rashad, Bottle should be forced into your asses and sent back to your wasteland where you've come from.

    6. im so confused to how you brought up muslims in this topic. like wtf are you doing? youre just a racist sad little bitch who rides the band wagon and just hates on a certain culture or religion for no reason. grow the fuck up

    7. in the end of time all the good muslim will go to janah and all the people are not muslim will go to hall

    8. @seed alkaabi Which "Hall" exactly will they be going to? what are they going to do at the hall? Watch a play?

    9. Grew up holding donkeys tail.. !!!! Lolla �� ain't no pigshit can talk like that!! You better ask your momma who was your Dadda.. �� if she got like no reply indeed, come to papa instead . Lion king got like too little dick to f**k and a huge bad mouth to shut!! Haha
      Guess what! You better inject some steroids into to your ass cause bottles won't get enough space in that tiny shit hole.. !! I bet you're a badass pervert came outta nowhere!! Peace dough!! ��

    10. What happened here? Easy to understand: we got one of those uneducated, primary homo erectus (not sapiens obviously) claiming he was above all of us, who are supposed to be gay faggots, etc... about just nothing, a forum about jailbreak! Just ridiculous!
      All of this, along with its (sorry can't say "his") nickname, leads to picture the average muslim morron with all the problems they have regarding sexuality. (isn't "f**k your mother", one their favorites?)

  3. Hummm so... no jailbreack yet! just a false result on google search! Just look the title of this page... "Jailbreak iOS 9.2 + Tutorials + Cydia Tweaks" where is it? NOWHERE!!!

  4. Pangu team official conformed that Jailbreak IOS 9.2 will be released after official iOS 9.2 release date.

    1. No body knows how to downgrade your ios 9.2 to ios 8.4 i have afirmwaree file without itunes

    2. Still not released. Let's PWN this shit. I'm getting tired of all scams, all false posts... I am tired of this shit now. Even Pangu and TaiG is talking bullshit. ALL THE TIME. Evasi0n, where are you now?

  5. Apple just sent out IOS 9.2 b4 today - no one is going to jailbreak a moving target....

  6. If you were part of the Apple beta program you will have to remove the software preview build profile before waiting for the ios 9.2 jailbreak

  7. In last 2 years .. There's some people creating bad "tags" which is just to waste our time :)

  8. Evaders team if English is not your first language just google translate or something..Then your title won't be so misleading thanks so much :)

  9. where is the download link??

  10. We wait jailbreak ios 9.2 download via Pangu next week.

  11. I think it's not available cydia ios 9.1 to 9.4 so please wait for 10.0.1 or 10.0.2

  12. This site is always publishing false information... They must get paid by page views since they lead you all over their site without ever telling you the answer to your question......

    1. DO you read post? write >>> If you want make Jailbreak iOS 9.2, you can see all download links here.

    2. i could you please provide me the link of jail break 9.2

  13. When will ios 9.2 jailbreak be released??

  14. iPad air 9.2 jailbreak Windows tool download

  15. @ Evad3rs# when u r expecting to jail break 9.2 as i am waiting for my new ipphone plus to be jail break. thanx

  16. When will ios 9.2 jailbreak be released

  17. What is the update... is there any JailBreak available for iOS 9.2?

  18. Merry Christmas JailBreakers! I've been holding out updating from iPad pro 9.1, to the JailBreak team, should I bite the bullet and update to 9.2.1?
    Thanks for your hard work, hope you received my donation.

  19. Ewad3rs please do not f*ck your quality to giving the answer for f*cking questions.
    And you racists idiot.! Get your ass out of here.! You're the last person ever to talk about religions.
    And plase evad3rs don't give the jailbrek changes to other ones. Pangu makes shit.. My jb has a lot of problem.. I miss redsn0w 😕.

    1. Ewad3rs? LMAO, And who said anything about "religions"? Seems like your the one racist against Religion and only one that brought it up. And if you have issues with Pangu JB you might be the dumb$hit, because I haven't read anyone complaining about their JB except you and how it "has a lot of problem" so maybe next time wait for "EWAD3RS JB" they must make them idi0t pr00f so you won't have 'lot of problem'. Maybe.

  20. Hello there, I don't see the link for IOS 9.2 at all.
    what I can see just only 9.0.2 and below only.

    anyway, thanks for your effort and hope to see the link of JB ios 9.2 soon

  21. Are companies paying the crackers and jailbreakers...FIFA 16 no crack....ios 9.2 no JB...Where is the world going!!!

  22. I want to jailbreak my iphone 4s ios 9.2!!
    what time Date u have jailbreak cydia ios 9.2 ?

  23. Aw meye gawd, eye kan nut understan' wha' yoo are all so much in tears four. Naw-won botherz to reed awl ze messagez, butt all y'all like two komment. Cheez! (awr mayeb 'jeez"? I kant reemembur.)

  24. pangu jailbreak for ios 9.2 already release?
    please gimme download link...

  25. Reading this post and the comments make my head hurt. Wtf is wrong with you people?

  26. Anybody know of a site that releases jailbreaks that actually speaks halfway decent English? I dont care if i have to wait a week or two after its released to get it, as long as I can at least understand what's written.

    1. Jailbreak no for you yet release. Thank you cool that you post for me the tool that people bring to my blog when you are finish make said tool. Very much thankful

  27. How can I upgrade my iPhone 4s to IOS 9.0.2? I tried lot of times but every time show error 3194 thanks

  28. the comments here are ridiculous, i appreciate the efforts for the jailbreak. its a no show tho lol depressing.. i need linktunes bad

  29. You cannot downgrade because Apple have stopped signing the firmware. If it just came out today and you downgraded the same day, it would work in itunes.

  30. How can I get jailbreak for iOS 9.2 on my iPhone 6?
