Jailbreak 7.1.1 Unthetered. Do you believe in magic?

Yes. Jailbreak 7.1.1 available for iPhone 5S, 5c, 5, 4S, iPad Air, iPad Mini, 4, 3, 2 and iPod Touch. Evad3rs team confirmed. Can I Jailbreak 7.1.1 iOS without computer Windows or Mac? I heard that it's unique method can make jailbreak 7.1.1 iOS online like Jailbreakme.

We have good news for all who want this method is a bootrom jailbreak which means the jailbreak takes place on your device through the internet. To jailbreak - visit here from safari on your iDevice. One click + 1 min. You can see Cydia store on your iOS 7.1.1 jailbroken iPhone, ipad or iPod Touch.

After jailbreak you can meet the team: Pod2g, Musclenerd, Planet Being, Poisxninja

Do you believe in magic? We believe in jailbreak team miracles. You can make untethered jailbreak 7.1.1 - 7.1.2 via Pangu jailbreak utility.

UPDATE. You can make Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 5S - iPhone 4 with Pangu Jailbreak. Go.


  1. Well perhaps you should put the Fake sign on top of the article...

    1. Why? Read here http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/04/how-can-i-jailbreak-711-or-ios-71.html

    2. ""Jailbreak 7.1.1 available for iPhone 5S, 5c, 5, 4S, iPad Air, iPad Mini, 4, 3, 2 and iPod Touch. You can jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 without computer Windows or Mac." -- You guys do that for we spend more time on your website. Tell its fake first, like an tag [FAKE], or something, else people will start running out of this website.

    3. What do you do except run their software and jailbreak your idevice? It's the least of FUN they can have. They do the hard work and you take it for FREE, just let them have their FUN. When you learn how to jailbreak if you happen to do in this life time then talk to them if you come up to their level !!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I swear whoever runs this site uses Google Translate to post in here. Even the polls suck! "I wait iOS 8" "I want Jailbreak 7.1.1" "I hate Jailbreak" "What is Jailbreak"

    the real Evad3rs should sue you for giving them a bad name. Stop posting these articles about "JAILBREAK IS OUT", exciting people enough to update their phones, then telling them afterwards "THIS IS FAKE"

    What language would that even be acceptable in?!

  3. Mis-fucking-leading titles on every fucking post on this fucking blog.
    At least give us real information and not saying that you released a jailbreak until you actually do release one. Fuck.

  4. Even a kindergartner write better article than you!

  5. Haha the articles are pretty funny to me. But I really like reading the responses of the pissed off people... Thanks for the update & good luck with the next JB!

  6. Thanks evad3rs we need jailbreak for ios 7.1 please.

  7. For all those who are in iOS 7.1 or doesn't want to JB, you can install pp25 v2 for crkd apps. :) look for vids on youtube. it's easy to install and intuitive gui. Give evad3rs a break ;)

  8. I just wish I could jailbreak so I could get the cydia apps that I paid for!

  9. Guys, help please, I Tutorial Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 but the error came
    but as I have java version 7 and 55 udpate


  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Scam. You can't download jailbreak from this page.

  11. How about making a server project that we can sign all the IPSW and modify iTunes so iTunes is connected to our server instead apple's server? If the private server and modified iTunes ever exist, we can downgrade iOS to an older version.

    1. totally agree that would be very nice who is able to create an cracked itunes maybe there are some guys but perhaps they don't want to do it cuz it's illegal :/

  12. is a iphone 5s jailbreak for 7.1 going to be released at all ?

  13. well-i just updated my ipad...shouldve

  14. If you have to pay money,or take a survey to jailbreak,then you know it's a scam.

  15. 1)Please make jailbreak ios 7.1.1

    2)It's possibble to downgrade 7.1.1 to 7.0.6?

  16. Amigos evad3rs, necesito urgentemente el JB para un 7.1(11D167) me pueden ayudar por favor?/
    Friends evad3rs urgently need the JB for 7.1 (11D167) can help me please?

  17. What a stupid motherfuckers evad3rs!

  18. This has failed to be a SERIOUS site long ago. If there is no Jailbreak, there isn't. why keep on doing posting making believe that thee is ? Would like to know what you get out of this.

  19. If you guys could notice, The title asks if you believed in magic. I would understand by context that the jailbreak was yet to be released. Be patient and await the 3v8dr5 to launch their primo blend rather than the scam b.s. that's being presented as legit!

  20. When the jailbreak for ios 7.1.1 unthetered will be released?

  21. how can I jailbreak IOS 7.1 in Ipad mini ?

  22. I guess I have no one to blame but myself but I went ahead and upgraded to 7.1.1 from 7.0.3 on my iPad based on the heading alone. God damn it. Now I'm stuck without access to my most used apps until someone releases a proper jailbreak FFS.

  23. Hi I have an iphone 4s locked to my country i am now using it as ipod is there's a way to bypass the activation i mean a tool or something to skip the sim activation is it possible to have it in the future with your software

  24. For those who leave comments like "Fake" or so: at the beginning of the article there is a BIG WARNING in the picture. It's obvious that is a fake, DOH!!!

    Evad3rs team, please release the jailbreak for iOS 7.1.1 for iPhone 4S, it's so frustrating not to be able to use my iPhone in the way I want.

  25. Can you "evad3rs" guys learn to write fucking English? Makes me doubt you're the real evad3rs.

  26. Wtf, NOOO!!! Now I lost my perfectly fine jailbreak... "FAKE" should be at the top!! D=<

  27. iOS 7.1.1 was launched and a lot of people are actually waiting for an iOS 7.1.1 jailbreak. It is true that you can jailbreak an iPhone 4 running iOS 7.1.1, but that jailbreak is tethered and unfortunately only available for that specific phone model.

    iOS 8 beta 1 should be available in less than 1 month and you can imagine that no one will release a jailbreak now for iOS 7, just because they might use an exploit that is opened on iOS 8 too.

    So basically, if you are waiting for a jailbreak sollution for iOS 7.1.1 – it won`t come up anytime soon.

    Don`t get fooled and don`t try to jailbreak your iOS 7.1.1 with software that promises to.

  28. 539360dd46657767b53847b6a8322715a6d1c5fa
    Please register my UDID.thanks
