Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 for iPhone, iPad from Evad3rs jailbreak 7.1.1. How jailbreak 7.1.1 your iPhone 4. Apple has released a new version of iOS 7 - 7.1.1, which fixes some bugs of previous versions of the firmware. You have not found something really serious. The official list of changes just three points, though in fact interesting innovations and revisions can be more.
List of changes in iOS 7.1.1:
- Improved fingerprint recognition Touch ID.
- Fixed a bug that could affect the sensitivity of the keyboard.
- Fixed an error that occurred while using a Bluetooth keyboard when the VoiceOver.
Updated. You can make here:
This update is available right now: go to " Settings" - "General" - "Update ."
Jailbreak users should not do that . The new firmware is available for all devices that support iOS 7.
Q: Should I update or wait for jailbreak 7.1.1? Is there any possibility of jailbreak of 7.1 for iPhone 5?
A: If you have iOS 7.0.6 - you can update.
UPDATED. You can see and make confirmed Jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 method with Pangu Jailbreak Utility.
does it work for the new jailbrake
ReplyDeleteJailbreak 7.1.1 released. You can make jb here: http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/06/pangu-jailbreak-711-download-install.html
Deletecan u released a new update for ios 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 (if apple released it). i don't trust pangu very much.
DeleteThe title of the news is in contrast of the content ^^ Misunderstanding anyway!!!
ReplyDeletePlease can you fix jailbreak to ios 7.1 My ipad mini sucks without it. Thanks fr.o.m. Sweden
ReplyDeleteWe need jailbreak for ios 7.1 please !!!! Please evad3rs
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm still in 7.0.6, however, I accidentally delete some original system file. I try to replace a factory "Application" folder and replace it. It did, the safari and music app I've deleted is back. But all the factory built in app eg Notes, Clock are all flash back when try to open, even setting. Than I tried to put the Cydia deb into Autoinstall, but not working, while iFile deb can be installed and able access without flash. What should I do than. Many thx.
ReplyDeleteSame problem I have faced ... At last I have restored with latest firmware 7.1 And there is no jb for 7.1
DeletePerform iLEX Restore to stock settings but keep Cydia and Settings.
DeleteG please man.
DeletePublish it and place the dl link for the freaking jailbreak....
i fixed same problem its easy download ifile and then go to youtube and search ios 7 app crash issue :) hope this works becuse this worked for me :)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI hate my iPhone 5s without having cydia .... I'm on 7.1 ...should I go to update 7.1.1 or stay on 7.1 ? Plz evad3rs help
DeleteHi, i updated my iPhone 4S to 7.1.1, should i wait for the jailbreak 7.1 or can i jailbreak my iphone (7.1.1 )
ReplyDeletewith Jailbreak 7.1 from evad3rs?
That jailbreak dosent exist... And i dont think its comming any jailbreak to ios 7.1 or 7.1.1
ReplyDeleteCould you please use the word fake in the titles of topics about fake jailbreaks? I keep thinking the jailbreak is finally there and then the topic says it isn't :-(
ReplyDeleteafter deleting some files with ifile, I cant boot cydia nor appcake.
ReplyDeletethen I installed a *.deb file for cydia compatible with my device to repair it...
After installing and reseting, the ipad mini wifi JB 7.0.4 is in bootloop.
Isn't there any tool which repairs this kind of corrupted Jailbroken systems?
Thanks ;)
Or is there any method to restore without updating firmware?
ReplyDeleteWhat you recommend me to do if I'm in bootloop?
update to latest firmware is the only way to wake my ipad?
you could use semirestore,it puts your device back to a working state without updating firmware,or losing your jailbreak,i accidentaly bricked my iPod touch and i had to restore
Delete...I just tried to boot in safe mode with no succes, either...
ReplyDeleteI don't want my device to loose its jb. Please, what should I do?
ReplyDeleteOk, I give up.
DeleteRestoring and updating to fucking iOS 7.1.1. In jail again...;(
Hope you menage to jailrbeak this shitty OS sooner or later..
Best regards!
Does it possible to install any app downloaded from net without paying in appstore,for example NAVIGON navigation or iGO primo nav...?I have tried with iTools,but i got an error unauthorised author...That apps is for jailbreaked phones.I have iPhone 4 16 GB,iOS 7.1.1.
ReplyDeleteBOOM, what are the 30 devices? BOOM where is the available link of download? BOOM, stop lies and spam, you suck
ReplyDeleteI had a jailbroken iOS 7.0.4 iPhone 5c 32GB and then it got water damaged :( now I have a replacement from Verizon and it was pre installed with iOS 7.1.1 Im sad We need a jailbreak for the new updates IOS 8 looks promising but I dont wanna wait that long
ReplyDeleteso I can jailbreak iOS 7.1.1 with this tool?
ReplyDeleteThere isnt a tool man.. They were lieing to us
DeleteJust for promtion...
please evad3rs help us for jailbreak ios 7.1 please
ReplyDeleteHave already somebody tried the 1.0.9 for the iPad 4?
ReplyDeletetq to all
ReplyDeletevlw voces sao muito bons
ReplyDeleteHey guys, total shot in the dark here but was wondering if anyone might be able to help. I bought an iPhone 5 that has ios 7.0.4 on it by doing a OTA (over the air) upgrade. I cant do the evasion jailbreak because it wont work if you upgraded OTA, it must be done through itunes with your phone connected. I can't put a downloaded firmware on the phone through itunes because apparently from my research itunes is only accepting the new 7.1.1 software. Someone said they upgraded OTA and was able to jailbreak with evasion by downloading an older version of evasion, tried this for myself but wasn't so lucky. If anyone knows a way this phone can be jailbroken please post as I know I am not the only one with this problem. I love the iphones!! but without it being jailbroken its just not the same which im sure you all can agree with. Thank you guys.
ReplyDeleteis there a jailbreak for iPad mini version 7.1.1? if so please send me a link
ReplyDeleteremember, guys. Apple fixed most of the holes in Ios 7.1.1 So evaders are trying to find more holes. Support them, not criticise them
ReplyDeleteThey are not trying anything. They sad that they are waiting for IOS 8 final to be released. So, we have to wait for it to. I say, one more year !!! They don't realy care about us. It's all about money. Alot of money.
ReplyDeleteThis website is fake all the way. Excerpt from article:
ReplyDeleteQ: Should I update or wait for jailbreak 7.1.1? Is there any possibility of jailbreak of 7.1 for iPhone 5?
A: If you have iOS 7.0.6 - stay away, if you have iOS 7.1 - you can update.
You don't even answer your own fucking Question regarding 7.1.1.
This is a real site for evad3rs.. I have been followed this site since i've using ip5 with ios6.0.4
Deletehow solved fix no service iphone 4 after jailbrak 7.1.1.
ReplyDeleteTry turn off then on airplane mode
DeleteI want jail break for iOS 7.1.1 I request you to please release jailbreak as early as possible. I have also contacted Apple about iOS 8 . Apple told me that for the public the release month is September but no confirm date .
ReplyDeletei have iphone 5s with IOS 7.1.1 how can i jail break it?? please help me??
ReplyDeleteeverybody we cant stress them becuse they are doing their best for us and without them there should be any jailbreak for us
ReplyDeletePangu worls GReat!
does pangu allow carrier unlock?
DeleteI used it on ios 7.1.1 Iphone 5 GSM, but i still get Invalid sim.
How ever, my cydia is ok. :(
Pangu doesn't work, it's a piece of shit and a waste of time!
DeleteWorf perfect THX Iphone 5 7.1.1 Jail Break.. :)
ReplyDeleteiphone 4s iOS 7.1.1 jailbreaked with pangu. can i unlock 5.2.00 baseband? there is any cydia app that could be useful for me? tx
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome check this link for step by step tutorial
Thanks a Million Pangu Team !
Can I JB my iPhone 5 with iOS 7.1.2??
ReplyDeletePlz help
Yes, u can with pangu version 1.02. See official site of pangu.
DeletePangu's jailbreak, in my opinion, besides working flawlessly, is better than previous 3vasion jailbreaks because it´s faster (about 2 or 3 minutes less) and has more beautiful interface. I jailbroke my iPhone 5 running iOS 7.1.1 and definitely recommend it :)
ReplyDeletePangu is Chinese-based tool which might have concerns about spywares or harmful things inside.
ReplyDeletei accedently upgraded jailbroken iphone 4s via itunes to ios 7.1.1 and am loosing memery on every update and restore .....what should i do