Jailbreak 7.1 iOS has been released by Evad3rs jailbreak iOS 7 team. Evasi0n7 1.0.8 available for download and install on Mac or Windows PC. You can install Cydia store on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running on iOS 7.1 for free. After installing jailbreak utility on your iDevice, you can install cydia tweaks and addons with new features.

Pangu Jailbreak 7.1 iOS works for iPhone 5S/5C/5/4S/4 iPad Mini/5/4/3/2 and iPod Touch 5/4/3! Evasi0n7 1.0.8 is untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1 to iOS 7. What is new in this utility? This method is it's unique method to jailbreak your iPad or iPhone with out downloading any software.
After jailbreak you can meet with evad3rs jailbreak team, you can write messages for team."
The biggest problem in our community is the increasing number of scammers and cheaters. Typically, this is the sites where the user promise jailbreak for the money (you must subscribe to the continuous updating) or "free" (via such links they distribute viruses and malware).
Such phishing sites can very easily mislead the inexperienced user, claiming that: you can make Jailbreak iOS 7.1 final version, or you can downgrade iOS 7.1 to iOS 7.0.6 on your iPhone or iPad. As everyone knows, is not yet possible. We decided to warn owners of iOS-devices and talk about some of these phishing sites.
If you suspect that some site - before downloading any files, check whether it is possible to download a new version of the jailbreak developers on the our blog.
You should always remember that all software tools for jailbreaking distributed for free.
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ReplyDeleteI just LOVE that this author deleted my comment :) when all I said was stop using misleading titles :)
Deleteso from reading this im gathering that there is not a jailbreak for 7.1 that is downloadable to the public??? )): that really sucks!! but do u know a time frame on when they might have it ready???
Deleteso can an iPad4 running iOS7.1 final version have jb now??? i'm so confused by the post
Deleteoh u motherfker... i read it quick and now i upgraded it to ios 7.1 u assh0le! modify the bloody text and title
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Deleteis there anyone who can please help me jailbreak my iphone4 from british virgin islands lime carrier. I am in zambia and failing to use the phone on our local carriers. kindly e-mail details to phantompuppy@gmail.com
DeleteSomeone's being stupid! http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/05/evad3rs-rumors-of-my-death-have-been.html#more
Deletelmfao bambu that was hilarous
Deletehola alguien me podria ayudar y decir como puedo poner el jailbreak en mi iphone 5s vercion 7.1.1 y que programas necesito me pueden escribir a arturoantoniopompamarin@gmail.com por favor me urge
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the real link?
ReplyDeleteNot yet. read post.
DeleteI appreciate what you are doing, but the post is non-grammatical, which is confusing at best.
Delete"Jailbreak 7.1 has been released by Evad3rs jailbreak iOS 7 team." "has been released" is the past perfect tense of the verb, which means the action was completed in the past: it is already done. If it is meant to say "has been released but not yet made available to the public", it should say that.
Same thing with "Evasi0n7 1.0.8 available for download and install ..." under a subject of "Jailbreak 7.1 ..." It is confusing. If you are no longer talking about Jailbreak 7.1 that should be made clear. "Evasi0n7 1.0.8 for previous versions of IOS is available for download and install ... "
Get someone with good English grammar skills to proofread your copy before you post it. It will go a long way to making your intentions clear.
I guess the team meant to be sarcastic. With the 4th paragraph underneath the picture is state that paragraphs above are all rumour.
DeleteAnyway I'm not a native English-speaking and I was misunderstood too, at first time read.
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DeleteDaniel Wiseheart, the "has been released" is NOT a past perfect tense.. It's a PRESENT perfect tense and that means the results of the action are up to the present..Please, be sure, especially when you want to correct someone, about the knowledge you want to share..
DeleteFriendly, a non english native speaker..
no its past tense u twit
DeleteTechnically it's past tense, as it could be stated as 'Jailbreak for ios 7.1 Has been released, but has since been recalled and removed.'
DeleteWhich would make it past tense, as it did exist, but no longer does, therefore could not be present tense.
It's not called PRESENT Perfect for nothing you guys
DeleteWho the duck cares what tense it is? I think that's the least of the problem's problems... It clearly says it has been released (past or present, either way it means it is out at this time), then it goes sarcastic after an end-quote, but I can't seem to find the starting quote, so I wasn't sure either...
DeleteBut then there's a link underneath linking to the 1.0.8 download page titled:
"UPDATED: Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide."
which made all the sarcasm float away and point to an actual way of doing it, where then you have to find out 1.0.8 does NOT jailbreak IOS 7.1 back to 7... I mean, without the download link I would've gotten it's sarcasm, but that misleading link really made it very confusing...
Result: Now there's just yet another site scamming you into thinking it's out originally released when searching on Google, which actually is the real domain name posting it, so it's worse than any of the others that look fake from afar.
- for making even the smarter people that know better than to believe these sites click at least one untruthfull link now as well;
- for making sure we'll not feel left out being scammed, since now even the original site seems to do it themselves (very unclearly, if I may add)...
Now, will there ever be a 7.1 jailbreak and unlocker for iPad 2 or will there not, since the only device you seem to mention in the end is only the iPhone 4?
I just can't believe (cr)Apple (or anyone, actually) can make something so uncrackable you could say it will maybe never get jailbroken,... I seem to remember the same drama coming from all over the internet about IOS 6.1.4 and up, people telling people all over the internet not to upgrade because it was unjailbreakable but that is only untill someone finds a way...
And when all else fails, there's always a hole it needs to go through itself. all you need to find out is how it does that (on jailbroken earlier ios versions of 7 in stuff that hasn't been updated in 7.1) and copy the ouput. Not saying that that won't be hard, but just that poking through software never is 'undoable', as no software is uncrackable... Apples IOS isn't any magical software, it still relies on logic and logic can be faked or "spoofed" as they say, so...
The general consensus isn't that the ios is uncrackable, it is in fact that they believe ios 8 is on the horizon so any exploits that have surfaced are being closely gaurded so they can be be unleashed on ios 8 when it arrives
DeleteSo will there be a download link any time soon? Or is this post just warn about scams? Please help and resolve our questions.
ReplyDeleteRead please post: Jailbreak 7.1 not yet. If you want have jailbreak - stay on the iOS 7.0.6
Deletehi i was wondering if u can help me...i have an iphone 5 it is still on the 7.0.6 ios but problem is i guess the las guy who bought it updated with the software update through the iphone..is there any way i can restore it through itunes or anything beacuse it only lets me restore but as u know i have to update my ios to 7.!?...thank you
DeleteIn most cases, there is no need to perform a full restore via iTunes. You just go to Settings and do a full reset (Delete everything) and remove the passcode also. After that you can start jailbreaking with Evasi0n7 1.0.7 (latest version supporting iOS 7.0.6).
DeleteThanks it helped. I didnt want to lose the best part of having an iphone which is the jailbreak. If apple did it so hard that it won b possible albet their sells will fall.
Deletetried this,,, evasion still failed...
Delete7.1 is not a big deal..we are happy by far with our JB...
ReplyDeletewell it is for a 5s user cuz now the touch id has been updated so it reconize your finger better and that's a big deal!
Deletefor fcuks sake stop bombing jailbreak team!! they sayin jailbrake is under construction! please have patience!
ReplyDeleteHi, it's possible downgrade iOS 7.1 to 7.0.x?
ReplyDeleteIf yes, how? Because every time when I try restore from iTunes I get error 3194, I already tried everything
Impossible for now :D
Deleteme too, please help-I make a mistake and update to 7.1....I want jailbreak for my iphone 5s version 7.1 (11D167) please. Dindnt worked Evasion. I want back to my cydia.
DeleteI dont think that will ever happen again. Tobe able to downgrade to any ios. Ialso have tried everything u can think of and nothing. Only choice now is to wait for the next jb to come out if it's on this ios or the next.
ReplyDeletesince you are doing a survey to jailbreak ios 7.1 and if it comes out that most 'people will want to jailbreak ios 7.1 you do?
ReplyDeleteThis page was intend to alert people NOT to believe any JB tools for IOS 7.1 out there,
ReplyDeleteStep 1 - How to JailBreak IOS 7.1
Step 2 - Read instruction with brain
Step 3 - There no JB tools yet,
.....Dang, Now you got me
j/k ~
Camrades! Please! JB -this is exactly what I want. And there are millions of people.
ReplyDeleteBe our heroes
Dear JB team. I really appreciate your efforts to enable JB's for the iPhone. But....
ReplyDeleteYou really make your own lives more difficult when you put up a post like this. The objective of this post is to point out that there are scams regarding the current availability of a 7.1 JB. A very noble objective. But it's not at all obvious at first or even second glance that this is your objective.
1. The header states "Jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone, iPad is here". How would a reader know at this point that this is really the headline of a scam post? In fact, they now think the JB has miraculously arrived. IMHO, the header should state clearly that the JB has NOT arrived yet.
2. The body of the post begins with quoting a scam post about the 7.1 JB. That's completely not obvious because there is pretty much nothing separating the scam text from the original writing. Make it obvious to the reader using bold, indenting... I mean something to make that clear. Begin the body of the post with a clear unambiguous statement that there are scams proliferating about the availability of the 7.1 JB. Show an example of a scam that is clearly formatted differently from your own writing.
3. People are scanning these posts... they aren't reading them the way a lawyer reads a contract. Make it easy to skim and understand the overall intent.
Again, I very much appreciate your efforts but a bit of editing and seeing things from the readers point-of-view will go a very long way to avoiding misconceptions in the comments section.
I completely agree with Kensei, this post is very difficult to understand. Please make a change to this post so that it's easily recognized as a warning to potential victims of scammers who claim that the 7.1 JB is here. Change the title to Warning: Potention 7.1JB Scams! Or something so it's easily recognizable as what it is: a warning! I had to read this multiple times before I understood that you were alerting users to be weary.
DeleteIt's a good idea, but executed wrong. Evad3rs, please fix this post so it's recognizable as what it is: a red flag warning about scams. Thank you.
Oh, and please JB 7.1! I miss it. I unfortunately got stuck in DFU and couldn't get out without installing 7.1. The JB 7.0.6 broke my GPS-related apps to where they would all crash when I tried to do something like Map My Run/Run Keeper/Find my Car. I was so sad when I lost my JB. :(
PS Thank you for the hard work you do to jailbreak!!!
iTunes update not successful...error 3194.... got a 706 via OTA... what can I do so I can jailbreak
ReplyDeleteThis is what happened to me, I was stuck. I tried backing down to iTunes 11.0.5 and trying again, still no luck. I tried doing a wipe on the device, that didn't work, I got stuck in DFU mode with no way out. I had to end up installing 7.1 and lost my jailbreak and all of my tweaks. :( I worked on it for about 10 hours.
DeleteI hope they do JB 7.1, or it'll be a long wait for 8 to be jailbroken. So sad. I may cry... :(
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ReplyDeleteEvasi0n7 1.0.5 WORKED WITH IOS 7.1 IPHONE 4S
ReplyDeleteHow??? Untethered???
DeleteJailbreak 7.1 for iPhone 4S doesn't work
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ReplyDeletejailbreak iOS 7.1 for all idevices not yet. don't forget.
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletethe "patch" doesnt work , is this a scam?
DeleteAttention. It's fake. Simple iOS 7.1 jailbreak FAQ here: http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/03/instructions-for-jailbreak-71-complete.html
DeleteAttention You need to work on your headlines it's simple.
DeleteWhy need a patch to a page who need my phone number to download a patch?
ReplyDeleteCan help us with this?
Every time Apple updates iOS it seems that the jailbreaking community get disbanded temporarily. This is typically down to the fact that a big percentage of device owners update their handset to the latest Apple OS and this cannot be undone, which leaves them waiting for the latest jailbreak to arrive.
ReplyDeleteThis has been seen with the update to iOS 7.1 as owners of the device have complained that they have lost the jailbreak. There is a way that owners can revert back though and they need iTunes to do it.
They can downgrade to iOS 7.0.4 thanks to firmware download being available on numerous websites. Check out the information below to downgrade.
1. Connect your device (iPhone 4,4S,5,5s,5c) to the computer and launch iTunes (latest version)
2. Boot the device into DFU mode by pressing the Power and Home button simultaneously for about 10seconds. After that, release the Power button only and iTunes will read that the phone is in recovery mode.
3. Hold the shift key on your keyboard and select restore on iTunes. (Alt/Option key for Mac).
4. Select the files downloaded earlier and the installation should commence and complete accordingly.
For the time being this is the only way in which owners who have mistakenly updated to the latest OS are able to revert back. For the time being until the jailbreakers speak out about the risks of updating to iOS 7.1, device users should be patient and may want to avoid updating.
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DeleteIt's scam & fake. You can't downgrade ios 7.1 to iOS 7.0.6 - 7.0
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Deleteme too, please help-I make a mistake and update to 7.1....I want jailbreak for my iphone 5s version 7.1 (11D167) please. Dindnt worked Evasion. I want back to my cydia.
ReplyDeletePlease evad3ers make a 7.1 jailbreak i installed ios 7.1 by accident
can someone comfirm or not, the JB on the site mentioned above?
DeleteTryed it and the program is with survay
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ReplyDeleteHey guys. I REALLY need help with an issue I'm having. Last night I changed my passcode, but woke up and forgot my password :(. I am on iOS 7.0.6 atm, and don't want to upgrade to 7.1 and lose my jailbreak. Can someone please show me a way to access my ipod/remove the passcode? All guides I have found require the /var file, which I cannot find. Please respond quickly, for I have important information on that iPod and several of the capabilities I need are unavailable with regular iOS. Thank you, and once again, please respond ASAP.
ReplyDeleteSomeone know when will be appear the evashion 7 jailbreak for ios 7.1??
ReplyDeleteHey, The voting clearly says that people would prefer the new jailbreak in 1.7. Will the new release come out when the voting is done? Or will we have to wait for 1.8?
ReplyDeleteCOME ON!! STOP DOING THISS!! #%"%"° !! -.-
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ReplyDeleteNot sure to understand, it's a warning against scammers ? a joke ???! or you just want not to be forgotten ?!
ReplyDeleteThis article let, I (and probably many of webbies) think you (evad3rs) provide 1.0.8 version and with such title, you're increasing the doubt ! Be clear !
At first, as I get here the next day of this article date, I thought you haven't add 1.0.8 links yet for some reason, and that they will be published in the next hours/days.
After reflexion and few hours later, I think the title is probably only to get viewed and upped by search engine for inexperienced user searching the web instead of getting here to have trustful news, so you should explain that inside your article to BE CLEAR. Do you really think inexperienced user will understand that ?
Or am I totally wrong ?? (hope so, want a 7.1 JB and being impatient ^^)
Thanks for your great work about JB but PLEASE STOP WRITING SUCH AMBIGUOUS ARTICLE ! BE CLEAR !
+100000 javiside
This post was rather confusing. First thought there was something wrong with the blog.
ReplyDeleteHad iOS 6.01 up until some days ago when my phone suddenly wouldn't start. Had to reset my phone in order for it to work, and so far, I prefer iOS 6 jailbroken compared to iOS 7.
ReplyDeleteWhen I tried to jailbreak my friends phone (iPhone 4, iOS 7.0.6), and every time it got to "Modifying Rootfs," it would close out of Cydia and the jailbreak wouldn't complete. I tried it on 2 computers, one a Windows, and one a Mac. It was using evasi0n7 1.0.6, and also on evasi0n7 1.0.7. Any help?
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ReplyDeleteThis is an awful article, it's a fake post that goes on to complain about fake posts. A waste of all our time, so much so that I felt compelled to wast even more time to make this comment. Not that it matters though because the author is removing all comments similar to this one.
ReplyDeletehi i updated my phone to ios 7.1 and i found atool to teatherd jailbreak i tried it and it installed cydia but it felt like its not complete every time you need to restart you have to conect to a computer and thats normal becauze its teatherd but the anoying thing is when you restart all cydia apps will stop working and you must remove cydia substrate and download again .
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ReplyDeleteI am minor user of apple, and i,d done buy apple 4s after 3yrs!!! cause by could,nt be afford that! when i heard about jailbreak news by Evad3rs after i parches ed used device!
ReplyDeleteSo i appreciate Evad3rs about all efforts!!!!
So.. What abot GeekSn0w?? They produce iOS 7.1 Jailbreak for iphone 4
ReplyDeleteIt's unknowns jailbreak 7.1 iPhone 4 utility. Scam. You will lose all your data.
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ReplyDeleteDon't write links. only information about page.
DeleteWARNING !!!!!! evasi0n-official -------------- Fuck You --------------------- do not pay for cheating
ReplyDeleteEvasi0n There is only one real
ReplyDeletewtf is wrong with you guy's at eavd3rs to often say a JB is out when it's not? The way you make your article is very confusing and is frustrating because i need to read it 2/3 time to understand where you are going with it. I dont mind waiting a JB since i cannot create my own but pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase stop making article that as subject like "Jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone, iPad is here" to say "dont trust other site - its not true". The only reason i would see for you guy's to do it on purpose is to rank up in Google and have visitor for the ads or something like that so please be nice and stop this because you could loose your credibility for stupid things like that. I hope that if i have took my time to write this, that you will have the respect of not deleting it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI think you are more than right, Ozan......
ReplyDeleteRead the title, Started to update my iPad from ios6.1 to 7.1, realized halfway through updating that the title is misleading.
Now i have ios 7.1 and feel naked with my yucky new crippled ios.
loll its funny even if its not funny lol dude next time wait ... dont rush down the hill and say wtf i forgot my shit up lol
Deleteevasion 1.0.9 link the pirate bay
ReplyDeletethere is no evasion 1.0.9
ReplyDeleteI have to at least agree with the other posters regarding the clearly misleading title. "Jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone..." and then later is refers to Evasi0n7 1.0.8. I only update semiannually since keeping the jailbreak can be such a pain, but I fell for it and forgot to read everything before I started. So now I have iOS 7.1 on my iPhone 4S and no jailbreak. At the very least the title of this particular article should be changed to make it clear that it IS NOT A JAILBREAK FOR IOS 7.1! So now I suppose I will wait for the game of chicken to play out between the jailbreaking community and Apple, apparently like quite a few others. Ugh!!! Words have meaning, folks!
ReplyDeletecan i jailbreak ios 7.1 in iphone 4 ?
ReplyDeletewhat about progress of jailbreaking ios 7.1
ReplyDeletehow to downlod jailbreak ur ios 7.1
ReplyDeleteHello I have new iphone5s. can i ask if i i would be able to manually update my iphone to ios7.0.6? because if i would update it via itunes it would go to ios 7.1 which i want to avoid.
ReplyDeletecome on guys you can jailbreak ios 7.1 evad3rs do it come on
ReplyDeleteWhere is the real link?
ReplyDeleteevasi0n7 1.0.8 is confirmed? its jailbreak 11d167 ios device?
ReplyDeleteevasi0n7 1.0.8 is for Jailbreak iOS 7.0.6- 7.0
Deletewts goin on
ReplyDeleteProbably evad3rs same as musclenerd are just paid by apple to promote their devices for people that can't afford paid apps... They give a F*** on app developers and just sell their devices, unlocking the free installation of tweaks and apps through such whipping-boys like these pseudo-hackers (the only way to compete with android market)... The unlock will appear only and ONLY when apple wants it, and when through these cheap blogs they will let us to download it. MONEY and only MONEY for Apple!!!
ReplyDeleteBy mistake, i downloaded one of the apps from the website here above that you say to be a phishing site. Now, how can i delete the app from my iCloud, computer and make sure this app does not affect my computer and ipad?
ReplyDelete...and finally there is or there is not jailbrake for iOS 7.1???? If there is, where can i find it?
ReplyDeleteHi every one (sorry for my bad English) i finally bypassed the activation screen with the emergency call method (like the ios 7.0.6 or the 7.1 betas) but this is the final version (with the green circle phone dial) ok, i was able to bypassing this screen to the contacts, first it shows the downside bar with 4 little icons, keyboard, etc. then in the second try, it shows the blue screen with all the icons enabled, and both after that i follow the others steps, add new contact, then select new photo and then i press the block contact like in the past tutorials, (3 clicks with voice over) but when i pressed 3 times block contact instead of show the applications and bypass the screen it returned to the emergency call screen.. i guess apple patch that :S i was so close!! but i finally pass the emergency call maybe if we try this somebody will find other way to complete bypass...
ReplyDeleteOk, this is what i did, first i downloaded (obviously) the ios iPhone6,1_7.1_11D167_Restore.ipsw then i downloaded the iPhone6,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore2.ipsw and the iPhone3,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw then i renamed the 3 files to zip (you know to see the files) and then i opened the 7.1 final and delete the 058-4122-002.dmg (i copied the name) and then i opened the other file iphone3,1 (i think this is for the iphone 4 or 4s) and i extracted the 058-1056-002.dmg and renamed this file to 058-4122-002.dmg and then add it to the 7.1 final zip then i renamed this to ipsw agan and then restored the phone, ... i don't know what is this file or what changes in the iphone's IOS, i know some old ipsw and dmgs can be decrypt maybe you know what is this or what is inside, (i tried to change the others 2 files but itunes showed errors) i just change the other file because i was able to and with no errors,(maybe we can edit this file or add something), ok after restored the phone, i downloaded and installed ifunbox 2014 and i use this program to filled out completely the iphones memory (like 13 gb) i copied 13gb of files or movies etc to the iphone and when there was lije 300kb free in the iphone i started to make print screens with the home and power buttons, I had the feeling that if the iphone ran out of memory some bug will appear. well that all, i changed the 058-4122-002.dmg file with a lot of others ios (like 7.0.4, 7.0.6, 7.0.1, 7.1 betas but i dont remember witch one allowed me to enable the buttons but i think it was the 7.0.4 or the one inside of iPhone3,1_7.0.4_11B554a_Restore.ipsw. I hope this help you and spread the word and try it i hope this help us to bypass the activation screen, at least is a step outside of the activation screen. Thanks =)
please give me the download link of ios 7.1
ReplyDeleteAlways misleading titles on this site. Such a joke
ReplyDeleteif the theme is devoted to jailbreak ios 7.1, then why is there no links...
ReplyDeleteHi, Evad3rs teams:
ReplyDeleteyour guys should post this blog at April 1st instead of April 10th.
I almost upgraded my ipad into 7.1 after read the title and the blog. And then I found there is a "read more" link in the end of blog. After click "read more"button, I found that all I have read is a very big black joke. This joke is not funny!!!!
Dear Evad3rs, do you have untether for tethered jailbreak 7.1 (iPhone 4) ???
ReplyDeleteI was crazy to jailbreak again, and got that scam... It asked me to download an app (Clash Clans) to do the magic. Fortunately I came into this page and saw my big mistake, and cancelled the download. I need to know: do I must change the iTunes password? It redirected me to download, trhu original Store on iPhone. Am I in danger if I simply cancelled the process, or I'm always dead?
ReplyDeletePlease make jailbreak ios 7.1 please !!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteсделайте наконец таки jailbreak ios 7.1 пожааааааалуйста !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteпоходу 7.1 всё-таки им не по зубам =\
ReplyDeletei jailbroke my iphone4s on ios 7.0.4. all went well until the last reboot. now even forced shutdown and reboot doesnt help. i tried plugging it into my pc and reinstall cydia and itunes but my phone isnt recognized.
how do i get rid of the reboot apple???
Deleteplease make JBU for all idevice
ReplyDeleteI'm about to JB my iP4 (ios 7.1 baseband 04.12.09) with geeksn0w ,will this work with ultrasn0w unlock? Thank you.
ReplyDeletewhen this is gonna be released? change the title, and say shit like is coming soon....
ReplyDeleteIt is a bullshit
ReplyDeleteJailbreak 7.1.1 iPhone 4 with Geeksn0w complete tutorials here http://www.evad3rs.net/2014/04/jailbreak-711-download-links-available.html
ReplyDeletehate evad u not jailbreak 7.1.1 shame u
ReplyDeleteWhen will release the jailbreak for iPhone 4s,5,5c,5s ?
ReplyDeleteThis article is such a piece of crap with that misleading title. I mean whats the point of starting like if there would be an actual jailbreak and then suddenly telling all that is a scam I guess the writer couldnt come up with something but this to get peoples attention
ReplyDeletewhen will come 7.1.1 for 4S ???
ReplyDeleteEvad3rs team work hard as always and I hope I so others can see Jailbreak to 7.1.1 very soon.For phone 4s,5,5c and 5s.
ReplyDeletei want jail break for ipad mini ios 7.1.1 plz sand me
ReplyDeleteit doesnt work with my 5c
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ReplyDeleteScam. Don't pay.
DeleteP.S. link deleted.
how can i download it??
ReplyDeleteWell people are just dumb and go omg a hack update update update. If you guys know anything, this site does this a lot, they did it on the last big 7.0.6 jailbreak. Don't update anything until you dumbass's see a video and download some legit stuff. Everyone just wants to make a YouTube video showing off and when they realize they got fucked they blame someone else. That's the world these days it's always someone else's fault.
ReplyDeleteCan make the Untethered JB for iPhone 4? , And if so please tell me a download link for jailbrake 7.1
ReplyDeletei have a qestion the passwort is instntly wrong can you say me teh passowt pleas thank you
ReplyDeleteIt is so curious that this argument is so "actual"..
ReplyDeleteita appear so update, but the argumentation remain the same.
People like me that is waiting the iOS 7.1.1 JB release search for that in the web,. and when a title like this is associate to evad3rs WE, run to read ..
boh somebody has a lot of time to waste.. me not
There is another method I just found on http://nolink.us/unlock-iphone
ReplyDeleteis there a jailbreak for iOS 7.1 for iPhone 5s???
ReplyDeleteyes friends pangu can jail break your ios 7.1 and 7.1.1
ReplyDeleteOk, why on June 23rd 2014 (today) was this reposted with this stupid title? After all this time you still haven't changed it?
ReplyDelete"Jailbreak 7.1 has been released by Evad3rs jailbreak iOS 7 team"
Like, what else do you expect us to believe when we read that? This is stupid.
can anybody help me get passed the activation part of my iphone 4s. its linked to my sisters i cloud but we dont talk anymore so i cant get passed it
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this info. I just want to let you know that I just check out your site and I find it very interesting and informative. I can't wait to read lots of your posts. unlock iphone 5 free