Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide.

Apple released iOS 7.1 download links for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. iOS 7.1 ipsw links work on Mac and Windows PC. If you want download it - you can make it here. What the next? Jailbreak!

Evad3rs team confirmed, that Apple closed all vulnerables for Evasi0n7 utility. You can make Jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, iPad Air (5),4,3,2 and iPod Touch 5-Gen. Jailbreak 7.1 available for download. Here you can see confirmed links.
Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1: 
Jailbreak 7.1.1 for iPhone 5S- iPhone 4/ iPad Air - iPad 2 - here

19.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 5S untethered. You can see how it works.


18.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 4 untethered. You can see how it works.

Q: Can I make jailbreak 7.1 on my iPhone 5S?
A: No. You can't.

Q: I heard that Evasi0n7 can make jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 4?
A: You can make jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone 4 with Geeksn0w. -> How

Q: Can I Downgrade 7.1 to 7.0.6 or lower ipws?
A: No, You can't

Q: I found some pages with jailbreak iOS 7.1 utility.
A: You found scam and fake pages. Don't download it, don't install it. Jailbreak 7.1 not yet.

Q: What Evasi0n7 version is last?
A: Evasi0n7 1.0.8 for Jailbreak 7.0.6 - 7.0. You can download it here.

Q: When I can make jailbreak 7.1?
A: We don't have such information. Wait.

Q: I want install Cydia tweaks on my new iOS 7.1. Can I it?
A: No.

Q: I found Evasi0n7 1.0.8 download links. Wow.
A: You found fake links, don't download / install. Last Evasi0n7 version you can download here

Before asking a question, check Frequently Asked Questions to find quick answers!

P.S. Some reasons for Update to iOS 7.1: In addition to improving performance and correct the problem, which at times led to the failure of the home screen devices, iOS 7.1 changes were made to the user interface level. In OS, new switches, buttons and other UI. Some changes in iOS 7.1 only touched iPhone 5s. Luggage learned automatically activates the photo shoot with high dynamic range (HDR). In the setting of Universal Access iOS 7.1 has a new menu item, you can activate "backlight" buttons (buttons, click Forms.) However, some links are becoming stressed. 


  1. Can i jailbreak ios.7.1 with iphone 4s?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. can you do one for that hacktivates iPhone too like for the people who didn't buy them from the store or people who just bought then from other people and restored then

    3. Q: Can I Downgrade 7.1 to 7.0.6 or lower ipws?
      A: No, You can't

    4. guys,actually the jailbreak for 7.1.1 is out now,i think it's called Pangu

  2. Will it be able in the future to Jailbreak newer platforms than Iphone 4. You were going very harsh with the phrase "You can't make Jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, iPad Air (5),4,3,2 and iPod Touch 5-Gen." sounds like it'll never be able to do.

  3. Hello,
    could you please tell me how is called this lockscreen on your picture on the top of the page (time, month, day...)? Thank you in advance.

  4. Guys, I bought 5S on the last day of 7.0.6. It came with 7.0.4 preinstalled. I wanted to upgrade to 7.0.6, but I was late by TWO MINUTES. Damn... And now I stucked with 7.0.4. Is there any reason to worry? Maybe it is possible to fix the SSL vulnerability by a Cydia packet? (Like it was in the ios 5.x times...)

    1. Yes, there is a Cydia patch for the SSL vulnerability. "SSLPatch" in the BigBoss repo

    2. Already SSL in Cydia

  5. Replies
    1. Chưa có đâu bác :v Cái JB này là của i10nc, winocm và iH8sn0w hợp tác, chứ không phải của evad3rs :3

  6. how i can use cydia on my ios7.1.7

  7. Can I jailbreak apple tv 3 6.0.2 ?

  8. Evasi0n7 1.0.5 WORKED WITH IOS 7.1 IPHONE 4S

    1. Evasi0n7 1.0.5 works only on iOS 7.1 b3, but not on iOS 7.1 final

  9. I have Ipad3 on iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak. Is it possible to update iOS to 7.0.x and make jailbreak?

    1. Não, se você tentar atualizar ele irá direto para o 7.1 e não será possível o jailbreak. Se quiser continuar com o jailbreak sugiro que continue no 5.1.1.

    2. Sergei it is possible just download ipsw of your wanted ios ant install it via redsn0w and after jailbreak with evas0n :) Cheers

  10. This article was so hard to read. And why did you report on useless information? Waste of my time

  11. Replies
    1. Unofficial jailbreak 7.1 for iphone 4 utility from unknowns pages.

    2. so any news about jailbreaking 7.1 for iphone 4

  12. A other faker above here, they want your money

  13. So when will the iOS 7.1 jailbreak be out???

  14. A very big thanks for all your work!
    If the jailbreak of the 7.1 does not....never mind...I hope Apple quickly released the ios 8 :D
    But if you have time to waste (I understand the work !).....would be happy ;)
    Have a nice day !

    1. Respect for you man :) you only one can understand how hard they are working to jailbreak iOS 7.1 ... I don't think that apple soon release iOS 8. Probably only after summer we hope that.

    2. thank you Sir :)
      i think so, may apple soon release iOS 9 :p

  15. Como instalar iOS 7.0.6 si estoy en iOS 7.0.4 ahora que ya salio el iOS 7.1????

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. gyus help ??, how you can retrieve the Cydia after remove it white wrong way .. and the cydia programs is still installed on the device , and you can't install jailbreak again ..for ISO 7.0.6

  18. can i jailbreak my iphone 4 ios 7.1?

  19. yes u can..... but not yet >> read the question above .

  20. Article's title is "Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide"
    Does anyone see such a guide or I am the only dummy person here? :)

    1. The Instruction for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide is "WAIT".... dumb title

  21. Will it never be possible to jailbreak iOS 7.1 on iphone 5s?

  22. Can i downgrade my iphone 4 from iOs7.1 to iOs 7.0.4? And how i can hactivate iphone 4 to bypass sim unlock?

  23. Thank Evad3rs team first!
    and then, I'm waiting the Jailbreak iOS7.1 for iPhone5.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. can i jailbreak ios 7.1 in iphone 4 Untethered ?

  26. what is the name of the above tweak (date and time)?

  27. Come on evad3rs, you guys can do it!! i'll be waiting patiently for JB 7.1 :D

  28. Still waiting for the jailbreak iOS 7.1 for iPhone 4S. I really need my music. Please let me know if it is released.

  29. please release soon Jailbreak iOS 7.1 for iPhone 5s, i'm dying omghfjkghkjfd:'(

  30. Can you Jailbreak ios 7.1 for ipad mini?

  31. can you just release jailbreak 7.1 for iphone 4? i had enough waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. when release jailbreak for ios 7.1 are ipad 2 can jaibreak.sorry for bad english

  33. When the 8 come out an I upgrade from the 7.1 then you guys might say the same thing wait till the 8.1 come out there's no jailbreak for the 8... to me you guys have jailbreak for 7.1 an the 8..cause the 9 be out in September. .

  34. We will never have IOS 7.1 JAILBREAK?

  35. Can I do a jailbreak to my iphone 5s?

  36. how long IOS 7.1 jailbreak released,?

  37. stop asking them when 7.1 jailbreak will be released they are all working in their spare time keep an eye on there twitter and the website for updates and those of you who want to jailbreak for future reference dont download the newest firmware until you know for sure you can jailbreak it and for those of you who found this out too late the only thing you can do is wait patiently my thanks to Team evad3rs great work guys!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. where jailbreak for i phone 4s iso 7.1 11D167

  40. Somebody can tell me wich tweak is it on the picture? (lockscreen with clock, datum etc.)

  41. What about jailbreak for iPhone 4 ISO 7.1 11D169??

  42. Pls tell me how to jailbreak for iphone 4 iOS 7.1 (11D169)
    Msg. appear : Sorry, the version od iOS (11D169) of the attached device is not supported

  43. please make JBU for all idevice

  44. why you cheat me to upgrade?

  45. I'm about to JB my iP4 (ios 7.1 baseband 04.12.09) with geeksn0w ,will this work with ultrasn0w unlock? Thank you.

  46. can i downgrade using ifaith????

    1. no you can't you can't downgrade any device from 7.1 to a lower iOS version (sadly) only the iphone 4 can downgrade cause ios 7.1 would be the last supporting ios version for the iphone 4 and it caused much problems on iphone 4 so apple decided to only give permission for downgrade a iphone 4 if i am right well all we can do is wait and NOT update our ios version till we know for sure for which version a next jailbreak will be most poeple says that evad3rs will build a jailbreak when ios 8 comes or is out cause iphone users were warned weeks before ios 7.1 that there was no jailbreak WWDC is on 2nd june where apple will demonstrate iOS 8 :) so best is to wait and not to update our ios till we know for which version the next jailbreak will be :)

  47. Is there any estimated ETA for the iPhone 4 7.1 jailbreak?
    Thanks a lot

  48. can i jailbreak 7.1 using evasion on ipad mini ?

  49. Can I jailbreak my car? What about my toaster oven? Ooh, cooler yet, can I jailbreak my girlfriend?

  50. I have always apreciated the hard work of all jailbreakers. Every new Jailbreak i use, i donate 50 USdollars. And now i heard tha this guy have a Jailbreak on his fone 4S IOS 7.1 and we can't have it ??? Ohh thank you so much. I will remember this for ever. With the money i nonated to you Jailbreak guys, i can easely buy all i want on app ITunes. And that is exactly what i am going to do. Thank you so much. I had in off of this bull-shitt. Thank you, and greetings from Brazil. We are all monkeys.

  51. Will you guy's be @ Hack in the box? i'm praying that you guy's announce the new JB there!

  52. Hi there,
    i just bought a new 4S which has ios 6.1.3. is it possible to upgrade to 7.0.X. I dont wann lose my JB. But Itunes "Apple" is offering only to 7.1.1. Or should i wait?

  53. Can i jailbreak my ipad 2 with os ios 7.1 11d167???
    What a version jailbreak i can use for my ipad
    Can jailbreak version 1.0.8 root my ipad ?
    Thanks before,

    1. Obviously, Apple has blocked evasion7 exploit in iOS 7.1 which means you can't Jailbreak you iOS 7.1.

  54. wait for IOS 8 and don't release jailbreak please

  55. Can I Jailbreak ipad2 ios 7.1 ?

  56. i watched the Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 4 untethered video, but cant understand how to make it on my iphone 4, please help

  57. peut jeilbreak l iphone 5 ios 7.1.1

  58. I just wanted to know if there will be a away for jailbreak 7.1 or not? Give us a perspective?
    Something like, 3 months or 10000usd, or never...

    People respect your work, but they need some hope...or not
    thank you

  59. Questions, I can jailbreak my iphone 4 with IOS 7.1.1?

  60. When will release the jailbreak for iPhone 4s,5,5c,5s ?

  61. how to jailbreak a iphone 5c version 7.1 (11d167)- i read tons of materila and didnt understud is it posibel ?!

  62. Just want to say this is by far the worst joke anyone can play on a 7.1 user.

  63. Not trying to be all hyped up about grammar and sentence structure and shit... But, whoever you're having post the updates and shit, either sponsor them for an English class or get someone that's not 10 years old that can publish clear, concise, and coherent shit...

  64. Can i jailbreak my iPad 2 that's on 7.1.1?

  65. Can i Jailbreak my IPhone 5s that´s on 7.1.1?

  66. So how's this? Is this also a fake one?

    Can't wait for the iOS 7.1 JB for my iPhone4s :/

  67. Any option to get Ifile without jailbreaking ios 7.1.1
