iOS 8 Beta 3 Download Links With new Features, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch.

iOS 8 beta 3 has new features. This week-end is best time for download install new update from Apple. iOS 8 beta 3 works on all confirmed idevices. If you have iOS 7.1.2 - you must restore iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and install this update. If you have iOS 8 beta 2, you can update to iOS 8 beta 3 via QTA. It's very simple way for your idevice.

Read Me Before Downloading / Install iOS 8 beta 3: this update only for UDID registration or Developer Account.  Only registered UDID devices will be able to upgrade to beta 3 releases and the final iOS 8 software.

iOS 8 beta 3 release date -  7-th July, 2014.

iOS 8 Download Links HERE



  1. Anyone knows if the Chinese jailbreak thing works on iOS 8?

  2. iOS 8 is safe for jailbreak. iOS 8 beta 3 also
