How Can I Jailbreak 7.1.1 or iOS 7.1

Every day we receive emails and messages from you with the same questions about your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running on iOS 7.1.1 or iOS 7.1. "How can i jailbreak iOS 7.1.1", "Can I Unlock my iPhone 5S iOS 7.1", "How install Cydia on iPad running iOS 7.1.1", "Where can i download evasi0n7 1.0.9 for jailbreak 7.1.1".

Jailbreak 7.1.1 utility Evasi0n7 1.0.9 from Evad3rs jb team.
1) We have good news for iPhone 4 owners who have iOS 7.1.1 or iOS 7.1. You can make jb and install cydia store on your iPhone. How.
2) If you have iPhone 5S, 5c, 5 or iPhone 4S - you can make jailbreak ONLY on iOS 7.0 - 7.0.6.
Some home pages sell jailbreak 7.1.1 utility, but it's fake. Don't pay. Wait only confirmed download links from Evad3rs jb team. Evasi0n7 for iOS 7.1.1 not confirmed.

Don't forget - jailbreak tool evasi0n7 is free utility. Don't pay.

P.S. iOS 8 Jailbreak. What is the best price?


  1. How about ipod touch 5 running iOS 7.1?
    Is it possible?

  2. Какой лучше сделать Побег из тюрьмы для IPod Touch 5 ???

  3. Can I make the jailbreak (unthetered) on my iPad mini iOS (buid 11D167)? If yes, can you link the evasi0n7's download? Thanks you.

  4. 7.1 11D167 Please let there be a jailbreak for it soon before i just hit the update and say whatever and then go back to android lol

  5. Stories are so mixed all over the web. It does anywon know any way to download free movies old/new to a ipad4 ios7.1.1???????? Please!

  6. Any word on jailbreaking the IOS 7.1.1 on the iPhone 5 yet?

  7. I would like to thanks to evad3rs jb team cuz they r trying to protect us from other "fish websites" . Plus!!! They r trying to get us free utility to make us have fun with Apple softwares. Plz dont freaking whine about getting jailbreak. What if evad3rs make the utility NOT FREE? Think about it ppl. Jst wait. And pray. If jailbreak is out, at least say thanks to evad3rs.

  8. Tnx for info bt waiting eagerly for iOS 7.1.1 JB

  9. As soon as Jb iOS 7.1.1 release pls let me kno n send me d link

  10. yes we will let u know fucko
