When will be released new jailbreak 7.1 evasi0n7 utility.

Announced Release - iOS 7.1 beta 5 - is the fifth test build of the test pack. iOS 7.1 beta 1 came out November 18 , iOS 7.1 beta 2 - December 13 , iOS 7.1 beta 3 - January 7 , iOS 7.1 beta 4 - January 20. In the latest issue Apple has implemented a number of innovations at the system level, adding new voices in high quality for Siri and updated some visual aspects of the mobile platform.

According to site staff BRG, release the final version of iOS 7.1 should not be expected until March. Estimated date of the firmware - the first or second week of the month .

Immediately after the release of iOS 7.1 beta 4 , it became known that the update has been closed a key vulnerability that is used for the jailbreak utility evasi0n7. Now we have information that became available to test developers iOS 7.1 beta 5 has fixed two vulnerabilities exploited by this utility.
For the correction needed for the jailbreak vulnerabilities reported developer and hacker iH8sn0w in his Twitter. It is likely that in the version of iOS 7.1 to use the utility evasi0n7 becomes impossible and iPhone users will have to wait again the new solution from hackers . Fortunately , evad3rs have argued that the system is still not previously used vulnerabilities that may be useful in the future .

Have not yet received official information from evad3rs about whether to work with the new firmware evasi0n7 , so users are advised to take appropriate precautions and do not update your operating system to clarify the situation with the possibility of the jailbreak on iOS 7.1.

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