TOP 10 New reasons to jailbreak iOS 7.0.6 - 7.0.

Evad3rs has released jailbreak iOS 7.0.6 for all idevices, who can work on Apple's iOS 7.0.6. After jailbreak, you can install cydia store with new features. Today we post include information for all, who want install new cydia tweaks and addons. Ok. Let's go. 
1. CameraTweak 2 – $1.49 

2. Snapper – 99¢ 

3. ProximityCam – FREE 

4. ColorBadges – 99¢ 

5. SpotiSearch – 99¢ 

6. Gestr – 99¢ 

7. CCMeters – $1.00 

8. UIColors – $1.49 

9. Decode Camera for iOS 7 – $1.50 

10. iPadKeyboardBlur – FREE 


  1. I love it... I want to try jailbreak my iphone 4s on ios 7.0.6... just one question, does it also update the baseband or might affect the signal? I need answers before I try.

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  4. My iphone 4s is on IOS 7:06. I have jailbreak it by evasion7 1.06. However, email has become corrupted. anyone help me fix the error. My Email:
