Jailbreak 7.0.5 For iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C.

Category: Jailbreak iOS 7.0.5
Developer: Evad3rs iOS 7 Team
App: Evasi0n7
Version: 1.0.5
iPhone + iPad + iPod Touch: Free [Link]

Apple released iOS 7.0.5 for iPhone 5S/5c. Evad3rs jailbreak team released jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 also.

Firmware iOS 7.0.5 came out two and a half months after the iOS 7.0.4. This minor update that fixes bugs for iPhone users in China. Anticipated that the release is associated with the start of sales iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c at the largest Chinese operator China Mobile.

If you have jailbroken idevice with jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 - 7.0 > you should not upgrade to the new version.

1 comment:

  1. I attempted to jailbreak my iPad 2 wifi and now it continues booting again and again off the apple logo. Wont even permit me to place it into Dfu mode to restore it. Anybody got any plans ?

