Source: Jailbreak 6.1.3
Jailbreak 6.1.3 - One Way for Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS iPhone 5, iPhone 4S or others idevices. Only P0sixspwn is official Jailbreak 6.1.3 tool for jailbreaking. Lot of jailbreakers has one question: When Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS? When I can Jailbreak my lovely iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1.3? P0sixspwn Jailbreak Tool works for both Mac and Windows, and is considered to be one of the most reliable jailbreaks by the whole community. Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS tool has been released.
Step 1: Connect the gadget to your Mac or PC and create a backup copy of the data from the device through iTunes.
Step 2: Go to the iPhone or iPad settings and disable the password on the lock screen (if enabled).
Step 3: Run the jailbreak P0sixspwn for Mac / Windows
Step 4: P0sixspwn detect the connected device. Press Jailbreak.
Step 5: In progress Jailbreak iOS 6.1.3-6.1.5 gadget will reboot. Open iTunes or use the iPhone or iPad to complete the installation and configuration can not jailbreak .
Step 6: After the last reboot you will have jailbroken iPhone or iPad with iOS 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5.
can i jailbreak my ipad 4 ios 6.1.3 ? thanks before
ReplyDeleteNo, you can't
Delete6.1.3 Jailbreak will release after official iOS 7 release ?
DeleteSo is it like, iPad can't be jailbreaked regardless of its iOS? Or just not that version?
Deletei been trying to jailbreak my iphone 4s with ios 6.1.3 can it be jail broken
DeleteYou'll be able to Jailbreak one of the newer iOS devices running 6.1.3 but like EVAD3RS said they will only upload the software to do so after iOS 7 gets officially released
Deletehow about 6.1.4 iphone 5? are those gonna be eligible for jailbreak?
DeleteThere's a way to downgrade if you buy iPad mini with 6.1.3 installed
ReplyDeleteArmen, i have the same problem with my ip4d Mini...... it's running IOS 6.1.3. and u can't make a downgrade , for jailbreak ...... I wait for a new release of evasi0n tool.... no downloads a fake tools o pay a fake jailbreakers for unlock ur device... more risks and damages.... see ya ....
DeleteAxpers hayes???
Deletecan i downgrade my iphone verison 6.1.3 when i bought it they upgraded it to that :( so i can't jailbreak?
Deleteden hellp du workkkkkkk))=4s 3.1.3
Deleteiphone 4s 6.1.3 ? can i jailbreak it ??? help i bought it like that so i don't think my iphone had 6.1.2 before. do i need to downgrade if i can to do the jailbreak or is it gonna come out a new jailbreak for 6.1.3?
DeleteTrying to downgrade from 6.1.3 can be very tricky and will not always work, You can look around the web for tips on how to do it but you're best option if you really wanna Jailbreak...wait till iOS 7 comes out after which EVAD3RS said they would release a software which allows for idevices running 6.1.3 to be jailbroken with one click.
Deletewhere is the link to jailbreak 6.1.3 for iphone4? plsssssssssssss
ReplyDeleteOnly jbt, no jbu
Deletecan i jailbreak my iphone 5 with ios 6.1.3
ReplyDeleteCan I jailbreak iphone 4s 6.1.3
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to downgrade my iPod Touch 4g from version 6.1.3? As I want to untethered Jailbreak it.
ReplyDeleteCan I jailbreak iphone 4s 6.1.3 plsss
DeleteCan I jailbreak iphone 4s 6.1.3
ReplyDeletewhen the iOs 7 release, the jailbreak tools for iOs 6.1.3 ,iPad can use it or not?
ReplyDeleteor iPhone only can use the tools 6.1.3, please reply.. if iPad can't use it.. i've to buy a new one an ios 6.1.2, thanks before..
when is it posible for me to jailbreak my iphone 4s? with ios 6.1.3 ?
ReplyDeletei cant find ant tools that works for iphone 4s 6.1.3!
cuando saldra el nuevo evasion para hacer el jailbreak a ios 6.1.3 o al iphone 4s??? por favor respondeme rapido Evad3rs
ReplyDeletecan i jailbreak iphone 4s 6.1.3
ReplyDeleteCan i Jailbreak my iPhone 4s 6.1.3 ??
ReplyDeleteNot yet...
Deleteis this untethered?
ReplyDeleteWhat about the iphone 4 :(
ReplyDeletehello , evad3rs team
ReplyDeletei have iphone 5 ios 6.1.4 ineed downgread to ios 6.0.X for jb i need jb
restore my iphone to 6.0.1 but have error 3194 i fix this now i have error 11
Thnx i hop reply me
Want jailbreak for iphone 4s 6.1.3
ReplyDeleteCan I Jailbreak my iPod Touch 5G iOS 6.1.3 ?
ReplyDeleteWhen I will be able to jailbreak my IPAD 2 WiFi 6.1.3 ?
Is it possible to jailbreak iphone 4s iOS 6.1.3 & iPad 2 also running iOS 6.1.3?
ReplyDeleteiphone 4s iOS 6.1.3 jb please
ReplyDeleteNot yet...
DeleteWhen can jb iphone 4s ios 6.1.3??????
DeleteI feel bad For Evasi0n, Alright you can Not downgrade Your Device But, you can downgrade old models like iPod Touch 4g with Sn0wbreeze, and Jailbreak with Evasi0n. don't JAILBREAK WITH Reddsn0w!!!!!!1 they suck. the only Jailbreak I Love is Evasi0n There the Best Jailbreakers I know so far, Thank You Evasi0n for giving us a Jailbreak even though Apple trying to stop you from doing it.BY the way Evasi0n, Apple disabled my iPod Touch 5g from IOS 7, cause I Rested my iPod and I need help, they wont let me plug it into computer it will not work. I do not know what to do, please help? Thanks! my email is, jmonte19@yahoo.com
Deletearkadaşlar sürekli söylüyoruz ios7 çıkmadan(tam sürüm) yani iphone 5s ve 5c çıkmadan jailbreak çıkmayacak.
ReplyDeletebu sitede arkadaşların yapmak istediği şey spam ve fake jailbreaklar ile telefonlarınızı "zombiye dönüştüren, bağlantınızdan çeşitli şekillerde faydalanan" zararlı yazılımlardan korumaktır. bu yüzden sürekli uyarı postları gönderiyorlar ve google aramalarında aradığınızda bura ve benzeri doğru bilgiyi içeren sayfaların çıkmasını sağlamaya çalışmaktadırlar.
-umarım türkçe konuşan insanlara faydalı bir yorum olmuştur. -
life is short.
I just wanna thank evad3rs team for such an awesome jailbreak for versions 6.1.2 and under. Hoping 6.1.3 and the versions of iOS 7 go across all devices together. Too bad I'm tethered for now, but I will be waiting patiently.
ReplyDeleteSo you're well out a jailbreak for iOS 6.1.3? and if you leave one it will be the same day of the release of iOS 7?
ReplyDeleteI have a problem. iPhone 4 and 4S, which type can jailbreak iOS 6.1.3? and Tethered Jailbreak or Untethered? plz help me?
ReplyDeletewhen can i jalibreak my iPad 2 GSM 6.1.3 ????? :/
ReplyDeleteWill You release Evasi0n Jailbreak 6.1.3 for Iphone 3GS?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletewhen will iPhone 4S 6.1.3 arrive? zzzzz
ReplyDeletecan i jailbreak my iphone 3Gs 6.1.3
ReplyDeleteplease reply me
i hew iphone 4s ios 7 6 beta can i Jb?
ReplyDeletecan i jailbreak my iphone 5 6.1.4
ReplyDeletethis sucks the only reason there is no 6.1.3 or 6.1.4 jailbreak is because evad3ers can jailbreak it then ity will get patched in IOS 7 and they want ios 7 to be able to jailbreak so dumb
ReplyDeleteCan I Jailbreak my iPhone 4S with iOS 6.1.3 baseband 3.4.03 ?
ReplyDeletecan i downgrade baseband 6.15.00 to 5.13.04 in iphone 3gs running ios 6.1.3 and when u release unthetered jailbraek ios 6.1.3 iphone 3gs reply Evad3rs team pls..
ReplyDeletePlease release a jailbreak for iOS 6.1.4 :(
ReplyDeletebe patient all. more patient... lets pray together... hope it will come true for jb ios 6.1.3 soon... pleaseee.... :(
ReplyDeleteiphone 4s IOS 6.1.3
will iphone 3gs 6.1.3 jb?
ReplyDeleteCan the iOS 7 be jailbroken after its release in September 10 along with 6.1.3 and 6.1.4?
ReplyDeleteWill the 6.1.3 release going to be "untethered"? or maybe not?
ReplyDeleteFeedback pls.
More power evad3rs!
i wait!-i wait!-i wait!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter ios 7 official release come ios 7 and 6.1.3 jailbreak. Will 6.1.3 jailbreak support devices that can be update to ios 7.
ReplyDeleteFor IPhone 5 6.1.4 please. Already 2 months without JB.
ReplyDeleteIt is useless of aatendre on September 10th.
I hope I can jailbreak my New iPad ios 6.1.3 :)
ReplyDeletePLZZ..CAN I DOWNGRADE my ios from 6.1.3 ? IPAD2 3g ,,
ReplyDeleteCan i jailbreak, or downgrade my iPad 2 on ios 6.1.3?
ReplyDeletejailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! jailbreak my iPad ios 6.1.3 ! PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey my english ist not so good when the jailbreak comes out or is it out i want too jailbreak my 4s 6.1.3 please respond??
ReplyDeleteIm currently running on ios 4.3.5(8L1) with baseband 04.10.01.(running on Gevey Currently)..
ReplyDeleteIs there anyway to unlock or upgrade to ios 6 or 6.1.x ?
reply with a detail info will be thankfull...have a great time ;)
What about iPad mini 6.1.3?
ReplyDeleteBad team, how long that ios 6.1.4 and 6.1.3 went out and that they have fail.
ReplyDeleteReally they have failed .... they did't want to jailbreak cos 1 it was a small update and 2 the vulnerabilities of ios security they are using to jailbreak ios 7
Deleteplease Evad3rs i would like to know if there is really jailbreak or no i heared that there is jb but is that really soon or is fake ? please i wanna know , is that jb is will come soon :) or no ?
ReplyDeletethank you very much
yes the is a real jailbreak for iphone 4s 6.1.3 etc i wait a long time of this and the link is in progress ;)
DeleteI have an iphone 4s on 6.1.3this there a jailbreak
ReplyDeleteafter ios 7 have been public released and jailbroken then MAYBE for the 6.1.3/6.1.4 will be there to
Deletecan i jailbreak my iphone 3gs?
ReplyDeletewere is the link?
Deletecan i jailbreak iphone 5 ios 6.1.4??
ReplyDeleteThere is still no jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 for iphone 4S?
ReplyDeleteyou can jailbraek 4s 6.1.3 write : larahbad@gmail.com
ReplyDeletei have the reason for not publish
ReplyDeleteand for iphine 5 ios 6.1.4?
ReplyDeletesir when will it release.......................
ReplyDeletewhen can i jailbreak my iphone 4s 6.1.3 ?
ReplyDeleteis it possible to jailbreak an ipod touch 4g running ios 6.1.3?
ReplyDeleteCompatible with ios 6.1.4 or not?
ReplyDeleteMay i jailbreak my iPod Touch 5G mode MD in 6.1.3 ?
ReplyDeletewhen comes the jailbreak for download sry for my english !?
ReplyDeleteWhen will JB for ipod touch 5th gen be released?
ReplyDeleteIts running on 6.1.3. Thanks in Adv.
Deletesomthing for iphone5 6.3.1 ?? thks
ReplyDeleteWill this work for iphone 3gs too?
ReplyDeleteWill i be able to jailbreak ios 6.1.3 ipod 4 unthered with the evasi0n tool coming out soon
ReplyDeletestill waiting for this JBU release date
ReplyDeleteJailbreak when you can ?
ReplyDeleteShall I upgrade my iPad 2 today to 6.1.3? I dont want a situation where Apple stops their firmware signing window.
ReplyDeleteI have already downloaded my iPad 2's firmware - But will only restore it now, if you say go... Waiting for your comments (I'm already jailbroken on iOS 5 and do not want to lose it till you say go ahead! Thanks from Dubai...
whats the date of releasing jailbreak of iso 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 for iphone 5?
ReplyDeleteGet your goddamn grammar together. Do you realize what you're saying half the time? If you ain't gonna release, then stop giving useless updates! If you're upset with all the "release date" questions, find another line of work because you probably should have considered this before signing on in the first place!
ReplyDeletecan I update my allready jailbroken iphone to ios 7 without any problem?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad we can rely on an article written by someone with horribly poor English to tell us that the jailbreak is released....even though it isn't yet. A well known hacker via Twitter has stated that he has jailbroken the iPhone 5 and 4 running iOS 6.1.3, however, it has NOT...I repeat it has NOT been released to the public yet. Be patient people, it will happen eventually. Don't get your info from some dipshit that can't use English grammer correctly!!!
ReplyDeleteAlso, there is NO timeframe for an untethered jailbreak on iOS 6.1.3, 6.1.4, or 7 as of yet.
ReplyDeletecan i jailbreak my i phone 6.1.3 4s?
ReplyDeleteIphone 6.1