Apple released IOS 7.0.7 coming soon. Evad3rs jailbreak 7.0.7 also. Why? Today specialists FireEye, who have already proved themselves to be detected thanks to SSL- vulnerability could find another critical bug in iOS 7. This bug is incredibly important and allows attackers to clicking idevice's monitor display on using third-party applications running in the background. Moreover, such applications can already be present in the App Store.
What is most surprising is that the work of a special script is possible even on devices without jailbreak with the latest version of iOS 7.0.6 on board.
Any application with a special code capable of tracking clicking on the screen , even when running in the background. At the same time get the coordinates of the attackers , making it possible to recover the password and any other information on the basis of these data.
Nevertheless , even when you turn off the " Content Update " application can work around this limitation and track everything a user action , including pressing the physical buttons, and even Touch ID.
At the moment there is only one way to protect yourself - to be closed manually absolutely all applications running in the background.
What about jailbreak 7.0.7? Wait.
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