iOS 7 Download, Install. 3 Methods (Detailed instructions)

iOS 7 final download links coming soon. 18-th September. Do you Like/No new iOS 7? 30K subscribers vote "Yes! You can vote here!!! What the next? Pause before you post questions "How To Install iOS 7". It's detailed instructions on how to download and install a iOS 7 manually. You can find here download links for iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, 4, iPad 4, 3, 2 and iPod Touch 5Gen. It's free. Official. Several different methods are provided.

iOS 7 Download, Install. 3 Methods. Confirmed.
The new iOS 7 system promises over 200 new features. You know how to use iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch from the first time you pick them up.

That’s because the revolutionary Multi‑Touch interface in New iOS 7 was designed for your finger. And the simple, beautiful Home screen is the easiest place to start. From built-in apps to over 1 000 000 more apps and games available on the App Store.

Method 1.
1) Select your device and click “Settings”
2) Click “General”
3) Click “Software Update”
4) Download new iOS 7

Method 2. (Recommended)
1) Download iOS 7 firmware for iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch from the this links –> iOS 7 Download.
2) Open iTunes and connect your iDevice via USB cable
3) Select your device from the left navigation panel on iTunes 11
4) Hold down the Shift (Windows) or Alt/Option (Mac) key and hit the restore button on iTunes
5) Browse and select the downloaded iOS 7 IPSW file. Let the restore process complete.

 Method 3.(Coming soon)
1) Connect your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad to your computer running iTunes 11 (download now) or later via USB cable
2) New firmware iOS 7 availability message will appear
3) Hit the “Download and Install” button.
4) It’ll download and install iOS 7 on your iDevice.


  1. You don't need your UDID to get ios 7 on your idevice working.
    Just restore to the ios 6.1.3/4 and select set up as new and don't use your backup
    then hold alt/shift and select update not restore and select your ipsw, just let it restore and if you want you can just restore the backup. your not asked for your udid.
    If this helped you reply so this stays on top. ;)

    1. i used an existing back up and did not set up as new i just simply went to iTunes plugged in my iPhone and hit shift+check for update and selected ios 7 ipsw and i get all the new betas ota and i don't have a registered udid but i was not jailbroken so all jailbroken users will have to restore

  2. it works perfectly on 4s, as an update. and works with gevey too!

  3. [5) Browse and select the downloaded iOS 7 IPSW file. Let the restore process complete.] In iTunes, I click Shift+Restory Iphone > Select ios 7 ipsw but din't show in my folder. You gave me the link to download is .dmg not restort extension.? Or I wrong download?

    1. Claudia:
      When you hit the Restore button on iTunes, a windows will be displayed to look for the *.ipsw, but due the dowloaded file from the link is a *.dmg extension, it wouldn't possible iTunes find out the first extension mentioned. All you need to do before iTunes look for the *.ipsw, is to extract the *.dmg file which is an image file in a iOs, you can do that with program called TransMac, which is just an image extractor for that kind of format files.


    2. what do you do with the other stuff inside?

  4. do we need to sign in after installing 6.1.3????

  5. duh..? you don't need to enter UDID if you just followed the steps correctly..

    ...worked for me, iPhone 5

    --- awesome evad3rs.. thanks a lot... muah.. ((:

  6. it give me this device isn't eligible for the requested build

  7. iam geting an error like ""this iphone could not be update because the firmware is not compatible""

    1. You can read this complete post:

  8. ya im gettin not compatitble as well

  9. when i try to search for .dmg files it doesnt show anything. my itunes only allows me to search for .ipsw files. anyone can help pls?

    1. you have to use trans mac and extract the ipsw from the dmg

  10. im running windows and i cant see any ipsw file, i extract the dmg file and appears a 2.hfs file, i think this is the ipsw cuz its 1,220 MB but its .hfs not ipsw. so what can i do? please help

    1. I had the same problem. Open the .HFS file with Isobuster there you will find the ispw file

      Hope it helped :)

  11. I'm having iphone4 ios 6.1.2 jailbreaked device. How should I update ios 7.... Should I update to 6.1.3 and do ios7 or by direct manually restore to ios7?

    1. yes, update to 6.1.3 then only go through the steps for ios 7

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. @Al - Ameen Kiloor Mohamed

    I'm having iphone4 ios 6.1.2 jailbreaked device. How should I update ios 7.... Should I update to 6.1.3 and do ios7 or by direct manually restore to ios7?

    Yes tru only ios 6.1.3 you newer ios 6.1.2 :P

  14. ahhhh worked for me in iphone 4s... thankx evad3rs

  15. What about if the ios 6.1.3 can't be acivated because there is no valid simcard?
    I have a 4s with ios 6.1.3 on it. I just want to use my phone with or without jailbreak.

  16. Hey i upgraded to ios7 beta 4 on my iPhone 4 but im not able to restore from my backup... both on icloud and itunes... what do i do?? i have lost all my photos and contacts.. please help me out

    1. If you hadn't click back up on iOS 7 yet, then you're in luck. Because iOS 6 and iOS 7's iCloud Backup is incompatible. The only way to work is reverting back to iOS 6. Then you can successfully restore back.

      But if you did made a back up on iOS 7, then there's no way of getting it back unless you have macbook.

  17. i try but itunes keep geting error 1604
    then i restor to 613 and all ok
    just trying ios 7 geting 1604

  18. I did Method 2 but I'm getting Activation error: This device is not registered as part of the iPhone Developer Program.If you are a member of the Program, please register your device in the iPhone Developer Program Portal. What do I need to do?

    1. i have the same error and now the iphone just say that...even when i connect to itunes i cant do anything...HELP ME PLEASE!!!

  19. I'm getting Activation error: This device is not registered as part of the iPhone Developer Program.If you are a member of the Program, please register your device in the iPhone Developer Program Portal. What do I need to do?

  20. i have a question im just now trying to get the beta do i install ios beta 4 or install ios7 beta 1 then update to 4?

  21. Anybody having trouble with Wifi Sync? mine seems not to be working after the upgrade to iOS 7.

    1. It's the iOS 7 beta version's fault. I used to have iOS 7 beta on my iPhone 4S and I couldn't get to sync through WiFi. How did I find out? When I revert back to 6.1.3, I could sync through WiFi again. The other reason I revert back is iOS 7 is too heavy & laggy for me.

  22. iPH 4s

    Installed 7beta 5 and updated to beta 6

    All ok. Thanks a lot

    1. There's a lot of bug you might be facing in iOS 7 betas. Losing contacts, icloud back up, icloud keeps logging out & etc. Remember, I'm telling you because I'm concerned to all the beta users.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Hey, I really hope you can help me. When I do this, it is after I chosen language etc..
    So it says "Activation error"
    Can you help me?

    I have a IPAD 4

    Thanks in advance

  26. I have iphone4. Updated to beta6. Now Itunes says> Iphone regocnised but cannot be identified. Turn of the cable on try again.

    Do you have any idea whats going on..

  27. hi I running 6.1.3 and I updated to ios7 beta 5 and evry time it starts to work it shuts down and goes to apple logo what do I do? ples help

    1. Solution:
      1. make sure iTunes is open

      2. while holding down the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons, I plugged the iPhone USB cable into the computer

      3. after 10 seconds I let go of the Sleep/Wake button but, kept holding the Home button for another 10-15 seconds

      4. when I was talking to the Apple Support person on the phone, we repeated the above steps 4 times and nothing happened. at the end of the call i was scheduled to receive a new replacement iPhone 4s

      5. then my genius neighbor called and he suggested also trying additional USB ports or even another computer, per his discussion with another Apple Support person

      6. i tried another USB port, following the above steps 2-4, and vwallah! iTunes recognized my iPhone!

      7. my iPhone was recognized in the recovery mode and I was asked to Restore it so I just pressed the Restore button

      8. FORTUNATELY, I had been doing backups so, when I was configuring my iPhone I was able to Restore from my iCloud backup

  28. So question, is iOS 7 free or do i need to have something to be able to use/get it?

    1. Wait for official, trust me it's more worth than having buggy beta version.

  29. I don't prefer to update I want to hacktivate&jailbreak my 4S

    1. Same here, iOS 7 is too heavy & laggy for me. I'm staying at iPhone 4S 6.1.3

  30. i prefer 6.1.4 i wait for jb......

  31. IOS 7 installed, giving activation error. Iphone 4

  32. Just a quick question, if I install iOS 7 on my iPhone 5 (A1429), can I downgrade to iOS 6.1.4 from a back-up? :)

    1. And how do I do that? (I'm kinda new to Jailbreak and all that stuff!xD)

    2. Hello evad3rs team, I want to ask you, I'm curently using my iPhone with Gevey Sim, if I install this iOS 7, will Gevey Sim work ? if it won't ,can I restore it back? please reply me asap, thx a lot. (

  33. Hello evad3rs team, I want to ask you, I'm curently using my iPhone with Gevey Sim, if I install this iOS 7, will Gevey Sim work ? if it won't ,can I restore it back? please reply me asap, thx a lot. (

  34. Will you guys post an iOS 7 GM download link yet? iTunes and OTA updates keep saying im up to date, even though It's been released. I dont have a dev account, so...yeah. I need dem download links! xD

  35. Question do i need to install the iOS 7 betas before the iOS 7 GM?

    or can i just intall the iOS 7 GM directly

  36. Has anyone figured out if ios 7 GM works with the GPP sim?

  37. Just installed on my iPhone 4s with gevey, it works like a charm, gevey works no problem too, thanks a lot evad3rs team !!!
