Jailbreak 6.1.3 Breaking Message About

We found some website that claiming that Jailbreak 6.1.3 iOS Untethered released for iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad or iPod Touch 5G. We find that very interesting because Evad3rs Jailbreak 6.1.3 confirmed information about your plans for jailbreak 6.1.3 for iPhone 4S or iPhone 5. 

As we've said many times but once again forced to reiterate - jailbreak 6.1.3 version will be released only after the official iOS 7.0 presentation in September. For all people seeking a official aka real jailbreak 6.1.3 untethered We would like to update thet the original jailbreak has never been charger by Evad3rs team. All iOS 7 Jailbreak download links will be for free. 6.1.3 links -also. If you found page with jailbreak 6.1.3 or new iOS 7 jailbreak and site asking payment for download links - it's not trusted page, it's 100% fake. Please send this message for all your friemds from jailbreak community.

Pls comments.... 


  1. Replies
    1. the 3GS can jailbroken on ios 6.1.3 untethered with snowbreeze!! :)
      is 100% real!!
      I have 3GS and i can jailreak it untethered - i also make have it alredy on my iphone 3GS :)

      Thanks :)

    2. you said the same thing twice in one sentence

    3. hey just wondering ive been lookin every where and i dont thinks it even possible yet... is there a jailbreak for the

      iphone 4s 6.1.3

      ALL AT

  2. i never ever trust any site of this...!!!
    I will never ever pay for jailbreak because i know it is always free..:)

  3. Please write some information about the Chinese program PP25. which mimics the operation of jailbreak.

  4. Have a specific date to leave the jailbreak for version 6.1.3? I'm wanting so much to my iPhone 4s. Thank you in advance!

  5. And about the Jailbreak of the iPhone 4 Untethered is fake, is tethered! And If it were as you say tell me how I can do.

  6. Yeah I just purchased the 4S thinking it could be unlocked... turns out through a couple hours of research it can't be yet. Really hoping for this to happen soon.

  7. We are Just Dying for the jailbreak for the iphone 4s
    It will give us hope again in Living :D

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Can't wait "after" 10th september :) a few day after that day is my b'day, and the link will be my very surprise B'day gift hahahaha
