iOS 7 Features - Do You Like New iOS 7? (POLL)

iOS 7 with new features has been released. 
iOS 7 ipsw download links spread on the web. Few days ago, Apple introduced a new completely modified version of iOS 7. The new version of iOS 7 has been released for testing on the tablets iPad 4, 3,2, smartphones iPhone 5, 4S, 4 and player iPod Touch 5Gen. The new version of iOS 7 caused a lively discussion of the new concept and completely changed the interface....

Do You Like New iOS 7?


  1. i don't like notification center, the fact there's 3 tabs pisses me off, i like it all on 1 page, i used to run SBSettings on top, post new tweet window, and the rest of notification from tweeter, fb , missed calls and messages

  2. it´s very very cool, new perspective, new design, very clear, very clean ... excellent

  3. Evad3rs I hope that with the release of IOS and seven will immediately Jailbreak iOS 7 in advance thanks

  4. hey i download
    ios_7_beta__iphone_5_model_a1428__11a4372q.dmg (1.12 GB)
    then what i do
    in itune no desplay this becoz this file is in dmg

  5. ios 7 is brilliant! but its a MASSIVE download!

  6. If I dowload IOS 7 jailbrake now, can I update to the real IOS 7 10. Sept ?
