IOS 7 Download Guide for iPhone 5. Confirmed. Worked like a charm!! I am now running IOS7 Beta with all my apps and files. Follow the instructions as stated above. I have a Iphone 5 a1428 GSM running 6.1.2 with Jailbreak. If anyone is wondering: Yes! you will lose your jailbreak after installing iOS 7.
Steps below:
IMPORTANT: Make sure you do a full backup in Itunes(File > Devices > Backup) and transfer all your purchased apps, music, books, etc to Itunes (File > Device > Transfer Purchases from " ")before you start.
1. Download IOS 6.1.4 from Itunes's server. If you already have 6.1.4 you do not need to do this.
2. Download IOS7 from the link provided: iOS 7 Download Links
3. For Windows users: Download a software called TRANSMAC (Google it!) extract the .ipsw IOS7 firmware file from the .dmg file you just downloaded. MAC users should be able to open the .dmg file and find the .ispw restore file right away. MAC users go to step 4a.
4. Windows users: Open Transmac, select File > Open Disk Image and look for the dmg file downloaded on your computer.
4a. Once the disk is mounted, click on the HSF+ Volume folder under the disk and look for Filename: iPhone5,1_7.0_11A4372q_Restore. Drag/Copy the file to your desktop or any place of you choice.
5. RESTORE to IOS 6.1.4 with Itunes. If you are in any other firmware when restoring, Itunes will ask you if you want to RESTORE AND UPDATE, select that option.
6. Once the phone reboots in IOS 6.1.4 install as new Idevice. DO NOT Restore from backup.
7. When the phone is fully running as a new idevice using ios 6.1.4 press SHIFT + UPDATE (Windows users) or COMAND + UPDATE (Mac Users)and locate your IOS7 build on your computer.
8. IOS7 will be installed. Once fully loaded you can RESTORE FROM BACKUP. Congratulations you are now running IOS7 and soon will have all your personal configurations and apps.
If you do not like IOS7 or are having issues, you can always SHIT + Restore your phone back using your IOS 6.1.4 and restore your latest backup.
You will need to know though where the file is located in Itunes if you downloaded straight form Itunes.
On Windows XP :
Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
On Windows Vista/Windows 7 and 8:
Users\\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates
On Mac:
~/Library/iTunes/iPhone Software Updates
No jailbreak is available with this firmware yet! :(
Hope this help to anyone else having issues.
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ReplyDeleteI have a block page developer at startup...
ReplyDeletehow to get around it or even restore because itunes gives me this page...
Thanks ;)
you put your phone into DFU mode and then restore
DeleteI Also end with developer block at Startup! Is the DFU mode suppose to help get around it or only allow me to get back to 6.1.4 ? I Also wonder why some can easily use iOS 7 and some other (like me) are stuck on this page ? Thanks for answering !!
Delete"SHIT" + restore ???
ReplyDeletei try to update it says ur firmware file is not compatible i download the link from ios 7 download the gsm version
ReplyDeleteWhat model? IPhone 5 GSM?
Deletei phone 5 16gb gsm MD297HN/A thats the number that i find in my handset wriiten in front of model if u neeed any other information about my handset i will surely gave u
DeleteMy son's experience:
DeleteInstall iOS 6.1.4
IOS 7 Download
Install iOS 7 with guide from this post.
i already had ios 6.1.4 in my phone i have downloaded the ios 7 from the link that u provided us and i have done what u suggest us to do in this post but still cant ok i will tell u how i do ok
Deletefirst i have downloaded the ios beta4 the link that u provided us
then i download the transmac and then i transfer that dmg file to restore software then i restore my i phone and make it as a new i phone then i pree shift and restore then the window appears then i locate the i phone 5 ios7 file and click ok then window appears that ur firewell file is not compatible i try just now when i read ur msg
i think now i have to tell u everything my i phone serial number mail id u just hack my phone lol and download ios 7 in it thats the last hope i think or i should wait 2 months for the apple release actuallly iam going fine wih my ios6.1.2 jailbreak then dont know certainly my phone stuck to apple then forcibly i have to download ios 6.1.4 and lose my jailbreak now my iphone is sucking without jailbreak using iphone is worseeeeeeeee but cant do anything
DeleteBetter you switch off the pc and phone. Watch one Bollywood movie... tan ta ta!!!!
DeleteI'm also getting the developer notice and can't continue. after DFU it restored back into ios 6.
ReplyDeleteI may have tried to update from icloud, not itunes. will try again tomorrow and post result.
Deleteiphone 5 ios 6.1.4 cydia,
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ReplyDeleteالسلام عليكم كيف حالك متى استطيع تركيب السيديا الى جهازي الاصدار 6.1.3
ReplyDeletehow do i restore to ios 6.1.4
ReplyDeleteGuys!!!! read the instructions properly and do. 100% working IPSW without any UDID
ReplyDeleteHello. I have iPhone 5 (MD293E / A), what version I have to download?
ReplyDeleteYou can see your number on iPhone: A1428 or A1429.
Deletei downloaded both iphone 5 versions, but itunes tells me neither is compatible with my device. any help?
ReplyDeletePlz read : 4. Windows users: Open Transmac, select File > Open Disk Image and look for the dmg file downloaded on your computer.
Deletearkadaslar meraba ben gurcustandan yaziyorum bende su an iphone 4s var ios 6.1.3 jb yapabilirrmiyim?simdiden herkese tsk ederim.yardimci olursanis sevinirim