iOS 7 Jailbreak Untethered Press-Release. When?!

Evad3rs will release a iOS 7 Jailbreak in October, according to reports. iOS 7 Download links released for the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. What the next. iOS 7 Jailbreak of course. Many times in the comments to the iOS 7 Jailbreak tools to the iPhone, I’ve come across opinions that not all iOS 7 jailbreak tools of the jailbreakers have a high quality. reportedly: Lot's of iOS 7 Jailbreak tools are fakes or scam. If you connect the not-Evasi0n iOS 7 JB tool to iPhone, you will get nothing good. Only Evasi0n iOS 7 JB tool from Evad3rs is one way for jailbreak iPhone 5 or others with new iOS 7. If you see messages aka "iOS 7 Jailbreak Untethered has been released for the iPhone, iPad or iPod", don't install it, because Evad3rs Jailbreak not yet released.  

iOS 7 Jailbreak. When?
Apple developer website hacked. iOS 7 Beta 4 delayed. When iOS 7 Official Release date? No official information yet. Maybe September? October?


  1. fuck. we'd (3gs users) love an untethered jailbreak for 6.1.3.. -_-

    1. I believe that Jb tool for iOS 7 will be compatible with iOS older version, so don't worry

  2. I wanna know how to make a jailbreaking program...

    1. Its crazy hard you have to know the ins and outs of the actual ios operating system I would probably suggest using a binary program and then convert it to hex so you can read all the files and then change around different things in the specific ispw file. But that would only jb one phone unless you a either distributed that ispw file like whited00r does or write a program to change around the different things you want so you could just give it a file and it would do it for you like redsn0w

  3. If u found two or more ways to jailbreak idevices. Use one way for ios 6.1.3. And hide the other ways until ios 7 final released. But found only 1 way. Wait iOS 7 final!

  4. we are waiting for nearly three months. apple is always open. If I would start sharing your location

  5. i have a problem. the new Evasi0n can jb iphone4's 6.1.3 ?

    1. NO YOU CANT, ONLY for iphone4,3gs on iOS 6.1.3 with sn0wbreeze and redsn0w and its still a tethered jailbreak for now :)

    2. My son have tethered jailbreak 6.1.3 on iPhone 4, my iPhone not jailbroken.


  7. I found some pages with information "ios 7 jailbreak has been released", but it's fake. :( money, money. I think real release will be only in last week of September.

  8. iPhone 4G iOS 6.1.3 jailbreak can be easy to use. Can I clear indications that?
