How To Install iOS 7 Beta 4 Without Download Links

iOS 7 Beta 4 
Many users are searching for a iOS 7 Beta 4 Download inks  for install this new Beta 4 on iPhone 5/4S/4/, iPad 4/3/2 or iPod Touch 5 Generation. But ... Apple hacked. Can I install iOS 7 Beta 4 without download links? Yes. You can.

We are confident that in the near future, this method will work and we will be able to upgrade their devices.

1) Select your device and click “Settings”
2) Click “General”
3) Click “Software Update”
4) Download new iOS 7

P.S. This method will be work only on idevices with iOS 7 Beta 1, 2, or 3.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Why post these bullshit links? Instead, try these...
      No jailbreak newer than 6.1.2
      iOs 7 beta 3 links down for a while
      iOs 7 beta 4 release - We're still waiting on Apple...

    2. Jailbreak 6.1.3 for iPhone 4 or iPod Touch 4G work. Confirmed.
      iOS 7 Beta 3 Download links work. Confirmed.
      iOS 7 Beta 4 Download links -+ Monday
      Where WTF?

  2. It's because it isn't released yet :D Evad3rs like to post news before they happened :D

    1. Because we receive hundreds of emails about this.

    2. Do you know is there any chance puting caller id format fix without jailbreak? I have xsim and its realy anoying not to know who is calling you :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I cant even install beta 3 .. y... ?

    1. the download link does't work ..

    2. When you see "does't working" iOS 7 Download links?

    3. Can someone hack Apple again? they were signing iOS 6.0 for a day which means i would be able to downgrade and jailbreak my 4S :D

  5. I cannot update... tells me "the software is actualized" any sugestions?

  6. what's new and what's fixed in IOS 7 Beta 4?

  7. how to update the update not working

  8. How can i talk to you privately about an idea to do with the jailbreak status on ios 7, i have an idea and i dont want to say it publicly, it may even be a stupid idea but i wont know unless i say something to you! :D

  9. I always get 'Unable to check for update' any help? Thanks :D

  10. so im having a problem. it says activation error when i try to activate it. the it says "this device is not regitered as part of the iphone develpor program. if you are a member of the program, please register your device in t he evelpor program portal" it gives me a link. i click on the link but i think the site is down. What should i do?

    1. That's because you're trying to restore to IOS 7 when the update would fetch correct pressing shift on windows and oh yes 7 select the IOS you must already have the IPSW saved on your computer. Now restore back to iOS 6.1.3 and then go to search for updates and select the IOS 7 Beta 3!! Hope i Helped !!!

  11. is it possible to downgrade from ios 7 to 5.1.1 if i have shsh blobs?
    if the answer is yes, the solution is like downgrading from ios 6.1.3 to 5.1.1 using sn0wbreeze???

    1. P.S: i know that we cant downgrade ios 7 to 5 directly, i mean can i downgrade from 7 to 6.1.3 and after that downgrade 6.1.3 to 5.1.1 with shsh blobs?

  12. So I hit Software Update, and my phone just keeps saying "Checking for update..." With the wheel spinning. My current version is 11a4400f. Anyone else having this issue?
