iOS 6 Cydia Tweaks: PodSwitcher Supercharges the AppSwitcher Music Controls.

iOS 6 Cydia Tweaks: PodSwitcher Supercharges the AppSwitcher Music Controls.

Don't you just hate it when you have to quit the app you are using, launch the music app, then scroll around just to play the song you want to listen?

PodSwitcher enables you to access your complete ipod library right from the AppSwitcher so you never have to quit your work or game just to change songs! Simply launch PodSwitcher through your AppSwitcher to access your iPod Library which is arranged in a beautiful Carousel sorted by Songs, Artists, Albums & Playlists. For example you are playing a game and you want to listen to a specific song, without leaving your current progress just launch PodSwitcher and select your song!

You can also Toggle Shuffle & repeat, Fast Forward or Rewind songs, view the Now playing songs lyrics, tweet about it, view extra info about the now playing song like Genre, Album Artist, Last Played, Right from PodSwitcher!

Configure options from Settings app.

Works perfectly with Auxo & Zephyr!

Not yet Compatible with iPad or iTunes Match.

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