Excellent iPhone 5 Lockscreen / iPod Touch 5G Lockscreen, How To

Excellent iPhone 5 Lockscreen / iPod Touch 5G Lockscreen
Do you have cool iPhone 5 or iPod Touch 5G? iPhone has standard Lockscreen. But we want exclusive background and Lockscreen. This complete guide: “How to make exclusive beautiful Locksreen on your iPhone 5 And iPod Touch 5G”

0) Jailbreak and install Cydia
1) Install “WinterBoard”
2) Install “Lockscreen Clock Hide”
3) Remove “Slide to Unlock”
4) Install “TypoPhone 4″

You will need to first jailbreak, then install WinterBoard, and then add additional applications in order to install this theme. I will guide you through the process.

Part 0: Jailbreak and Install Cydia

-Guide about –> HOW TO iOS 6.x JAILBREAK

Part 1: Install Winterboard

This is the second part. You will now be installing WinterBoard. WinterBoard is an application that allows you to customize the design of your iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s created by Saurik.
Cydia App
1. Tap the Cydia icon to launch Cydia.
Winterboard - Search
2. Tap the Search icon on the bottom right and type in WinterBoard in the top search box.
Winterboard - Search results
3. Once you see WinterBoard in your search results, tap it.
Winterboard Package
4. Once you get to the WinterBoard package, tap the Install button on the top right.
Winterboard - Confirm Install
5. Tap the confirm button on the top right to confirm your install.
Winterboard - Reboot
6. Once WinterBoard is installed, you’ll need to tap the “Reboot Device” button to reboot your device.
WinterBoard Icon
7. Congratulations, WinterBoard is now installed on your device. You should see the following icon labelled WinterBoard on your device once it restarts.

Part 2: How to install “Lockscreen Clock Hide”

Lockscreen Clock Hide is a mod that removes the time and date from your lockscreen leaving you with just a blank lockscreen. What is cool, is that it replaces the little lock icon that is normally on your status bar when your iPhone or iPod Touch is locked with the time! So, you don’t actually completely lose the time…it just gets moved to your status bar!
Winterboard - Search
Tap the Cydia icon to launch Cydia.
Tap on the Install button and then you will get the following screen with the app data size and amount of the data which would be downloaded.
Once the device is completely rebooted you will have to tap on the Settings Icon and then tap on “LockScreen Clock Hide” option

Part 3: How to remove “Slide to Unlock”


How to install “TypoPhone 4″

TypoPhone Cydia Apps Search
Next tap on the app and you will get the App details as shown below with the author and package settings options.
TypoPhone 4 App Details
Tap on the Install button and then you will get the following screen with the app data size and amount of the data which would be downloaded.
App Installation Cydia
Next the installation process would begin and the app would be downloaded and installed on your device along with Winterboard. Following this the device would be rebooted.
Cydia App Installation Process
Once the device is completely rebooted you will have to tap on the Settings Icon and then tap on WinterBoard option > Select Themes > Typophone 4.
WinterBoard Theme Selection
That’s it, Lock your device and try to unlock it and you will find the above beautiful and elegant lock screen on your Apple iPhone 5.

1 comment:

  1. I'm unable to get typo phone to enable. When downloaded it says "files installed to .DS_Store"
    Can anyone help?
    I'm using iphone5 running 7.1.2 and haven't had any issues with any other tweaks
